• Whose House? Ariel Gordon’s House!

    Writer and publicist Ariel Gordon sees the world through the writer’s lens.

  • Celluloid, tape and newsprint

    In 2019, virtually any kind of art can be accessed via smartphone. Whether streaming music from Spotify or films from Netflix, it’s easy to feel like physical media is a thing of the past.

  • Analog art’s not dead?

    With the increase in quality and affordability of digital media, many people working in film and music have pivoted away from physical media, opting to photograph or record digitally and to release through online streaming services. But analog art isn’t dead yet. 

  • ‘Deeper than knives’

    I was 12 years old when a man leaned across the cab of his red pickup truck to yell something I couldn’t quite make out. I might not be able to specify what he said, but I remember the way he slowed down in the middle of St. Mary’s Road to leer at me.

  • City roots

    A few years ago, while working as a research assistant, I stumbled upon a photo of an early version of the St. Boniface Cathedral and the Grey Nuns’ convent. My first thought was: Where are all the trees?

  • ’Life-changing‘ exchange programs offered

    The University of Winnipeg (U of W) is hosting an outbound exchange information session on Monday, Sept. 30 from 12:30 to 2:10 pm in room 2M70. This is an opportunity to learn about what the university offers for students looking to study abroad for a portion of their degrees.

  • PROFile: Kimberly Buffie

    “I wouldn’t change a thing about my job. I love what I do,” Kimberly Buffie, who’s been a chemistry instructor for 16 years at the University of Winnipeg, says.

  • Volleyball teams gearing up for the season

    With the volleyball season approaching, both University of Winnipeg Wesmen teams are playing in preseason tournaments later this month.

  • ‘For whom have we been planning?’

    How a city is planned can say a lot about the priorities of a municipal government.

  • Running for awareness and community

    On Sept. 22, the Red Ribbon Walk and Run was held in Vimy Ridge Park.

  • City briefs

    Byelection period begins // U of W United Way campaign // ‘What the Chickadee Knows’ // Reformation lecture // Systems maintenance
    to take place // Orange Shirt Day

  • On Records & Resilience

    For Greg Tonn, owner of Winnipeg’s premier vinyl destination Into the Music, staying afloat in the digital age is all about adaptability.

  • There is more to superheroes than Superman

    The comic industry has become a multi-billion-dollar juggernaut with numerous successful film adaptations and television shows.

  • The meaning behind clothing

    The popular saying “dress to impress” can imply that spending large amounts of money on clothing will ensure success and approval. But this is not always the case.

  • CRITIPEG: Ad Astra

    It’s long been a tradition for celebrated filmmakers, especially those who typically avoid genre work, to make a science fiction film at some point in their career.

  • Arts briefs

    Kent Monkman artist talk at the WAG // Martha Street Studio BYOT fundraiser // 2nd Annual Manitoba Podcast Festival // WNDX Festival of Moving Image // Spectres of Shortwave, co-presented by send + receive // Stan Douglas artist talk at U of M ARTlab

  • Whose House? Evan Quiring’s House!

    “I really like writing. I like telling stories."

  • Talkin’ ‘bout together now

    Collaboration is key.

  • Juice Journal launches its 2019 anthology

    Juice Journal launches its 19th edition of the University of Winnipeg (U of W) literary journal on Oct. 7.

  • Breaking Out of the (Polluted) Clouds of Anxiety

    The Amazon forest is burning. This isn’t a hoax, an alternative fact or an elaborate ruse.

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