
  • Last Dog will have its day

    he Last Dog of War,  a one-woman show written and performed by Montreal-born playwright Linda Griffiths, will be running Nov. 5-14 at the Costume Museum of Canada on Pacific Avenue, courtesy of the Theatre Projects of Manitoba.

  • No Wow-factor

    Manitoba Theatre Centre’s 52nd season opens with a witty, whodunit murder mystery.

  • Bitter redemption

    Cherry Docs refers to the 18-holed combat boots which are the catalyst for the strange relationship at the centre of this play. The relationship represents themes of justice, forgiveness, tolerance and redemption.

  • A mass of facts and myths

    Writer/actor Pierre Brault and director Brian Quirt are about to bring a legend back home with their highly acclaimed one-person play 5 O’Clock Bells.

  • High school sex scandal

    Sex, secrets, performance art blogs and blackmail. What else do you need from a night at the theatre?

    Stage16’s latest production marks the Canadian premiere of Speech and Debate, a hugely successful off-Broadway play.

  • A full doll’s house

    Shakespeare, Ibsen and Brecht were all masterful playwrights. But as societal views change, are the meanings of our classic plays getting lost in the passage of time? And if so, how are we to keep the classics relevant in the modern age?

  • Original theatre and fab fun in Winnipeg’s Exchange

    In the mood for something fun and light-hearted? Check. Something for the whole family? No prob. What about something raunchy? You betcha.

  • U of W’s theatre department contributes to the Fringe’s success

    The Winnipeg Fringe Festival, conceived as an answer to the extremely popular Edinburgh Fringe Festival, has been around for just over 20 years. The festival has always served as an open and affordable opportunity to anyone interested in putting on a theatrical production. This, as you might imagine, is the ideal opportunity for University of Winnipeg students studying dramatic arts.

  • Reasonable doubt

    A nun with nasty habits and a priest with secrets to hide – what could be more dramatic than that?

  • Inside the mind of a murderer

    For many theatre-goers, a night out may involve an elegant evening of soothing soliloquies and happily-ever-after tales of romance. These people will want to skip Infinity Land.

  • Laughter as medicine

    There are many painful issues to be unravelled in the relationship between the two old coots, Wes and Don. Their weekend together at the fishing cabin they built during their youth may be the last opportunity to request and receive forgiveness from each other.

  • A seven-sided story about a fatal mishap

    Manitoba Theatre Company’s production of the one-woman play, The Blonde, the Brunette and the Vengeful Red Head, received a standing ovation on opening night, Feb. 5. And it’s no wonder not many actors can so convincingly play seven diverse characters in one fell swoop.

  • One thing leads to another

    Adam Charbonneau may not be a professional actor by definition, but he displays all of the qualities of one: commitment, attentiveness, preparation and passion.

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