Sports & Fitness

  • Common currents

    The University of Winnipeg rowing team is entering its second season this fall. Julian Araneta, who founded Manitoba Post-Secondary Rowing (MPSR) at the University of Manitoba in 2006, said he decided to organize a U of W team last year because there was significant interest from students during the club’s first two seasons.

  • Small but speedy

    “Take the shot!”

    With less than one minute to go, Keiko Kobayakawa knew she had to act. The game was close. Still six metres away from the basket, Kobayakawa took the shot and … Swish. Her daring three-point shot won her high school team the game.

  • Whether or not it’s really the best medicine, laughter does lighten the load and improve your

    The next time you’re feeling stressed, watch a comedy: Laughter has been proven to have a number of health benefits, including stress relief.

  • Down to the wire

    “One second! One second on the clock!”

  • Quality food may be more expensive than the alternative, but it’s worth it

    It can’t be denied that quality food is expensive. Eating organic, free-range and all-natural products tends to be in the higher price range. It’s no wonder that we turn to “cheap” fare: fast food and junk food.

  • Motivating yourself to exercise isn’t as hard as it may seem

    We all know that exercising regularly is good for one’s health, but finding the motivation to do so can be a real challenge.

  • Wesmen women ready to slam it

    After last season’s 1-19 record, Diane Scott, the Wesmen women’s volleyball head coach, certainly has her work cut out for her.

  • All for fun and fun for all

    Ichi, ni, san, shi… Ichi, ni, san, shi…
    The voices sound in unison from our boat, rising louder and louder as we approach the yellow buoys that mark the finish line on the Red River.

  • Plant-based foods provide an alternative source for nutrients

    A vegan diet is one which abstains from eating animal ingredients or derivatives. To raise awareness about animal ingredients in everyday foods, and to discover if it is possible to maintain a nutritious diet while eating strictly vegan, I am adopting a vegan diet for the month of September.

  • Let the games begin (and end)

    After three intense weeks of racing, my Canada Summer Games (CSG) experience has come to an end.

  • Can veganism be a healthy way to eat?

    Sugar. Toothpaste. Wine. Marshmallows. Although these four products seem random, they do have one thing in common: The potential to contain animal products.

  • Trying to win it all without losing everything

    The big joke in Canada is that people only care about amateur sports once every four years, and then they only care for about two weeks.

  • Sugar water isn’t sweet for our health

    With consumers’ rising interest in making lifestyle changes rather than choosing fad diets, food manufacturers are feeling the pressure more than ever to eliminate artificial ingredients. Many artificial ingredients have been linked to all types of health issues, including weight gain, cancer, neurological problems, headaches and chest pain.

  • Fat doesn’t have to be a bad word

    We know that fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. Fats act as an energy source and protect our organs from damage; dietary fats boost the immune system and are required for the absorption of certain nutrients.

  • Hot yoga heats up

    Hot yoga, traditionally known as Bikram yoga, is a series of postures and poses performed in a heated room; it doesn’t just have physical benefits, but emotional and spiritual ones as well.

  • Wesmen bring fresh blood to the table

    The University of Winnipeg Wesmen volleyball and basketball teams are looking forward to next season with a burst of fresh talent to all four teams. A total of 21 new fresh faces will be seen on the court and in the practice rooms during the 2009-10 season.

  • Eight glasses a day

    With the arrival of summer, dehydration takes center stage as an often-neglected health hazard. Spending long days outside and taking in the sunshine is best punctuated with regularly consuming plenty of fluids over the course of the day.

  • Playgrounds are for big kids, too

    Remember being a kid and always looking forward to recess?
    You and your friends would spend time in the morning picking soccer teams, so when you got outside, not a second would be wasted.

  • Raising the sports bar

    Looking for somewhere other than your basement to watch the game, eat unhealthy snacks and knock back a cold one or four? Look no further than downtown Winnipeg’s top three sports-themed watering holes.

  • Passion of the streets

    Streetball is where it’s at. The feeling of simply playing a game can’t be matched by an organized league’s indoor gymnasium.

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