
  • Watch what you watch

    Pornography has been around forever. But in an era where XXX material is one keyboard misstep away in a Google search bar, we have to ask ourselves if this naughty underbelly of the Internet is affecting us as humans.

  • Soap Box

    ​So you’ve been offended by a stand-up comedian. Congrats. It finally happened.

  • Hey you, VOTE!

    Activism is a catalyst for change. Bridgette DePape knows this better than anyone, and aims to engage young people in politics by turning apathy into action.

  • The Illusion Of Democracy

    She stood silently with a look of frustration and naive optimism. In her nervous hands, she grasped a sign that read “Stop Harper!"

  • Make space for introverts

    Not so long ago I had the great experience of pieces falling into place. I heard about the term “introvert,” did some research and suddenly it all made sense.

  • These white eyes on me…

    “Dear White People, please stop touching my hair, does this look like a petting zoo to you?"

  • Feminism and a Falafel - Streeter

    In this instalment of Feminism and a Falafel, Brittany asks students at the University of Winnipeg what Feminism means to them.

  • Still Breathing but Barely

    If anyone has Winnipeg in winter figured out, it’s the middle aged man who was reading a John Grisham novel on a bench in the Assiniboine Park Conservatory a couple Sundays ago. I’d gone there with a friend, both of us armed with strong coffee and the desire to squash the winter blues with an iron fist of plants and humid air.

  • Up All Night With Paranoia and Playtex

    I have a confession to make. I’m scared to walk at night alone.

  • Understanding Through Education

    Full disclosure: I am not First Nations, Métis, or Inuit. I’m as Irish/French-Canadian as they come. But that’s partially why I think the new mandatory graduation requirement being proposed by the University of Winnipeg Student’s Association (UWSA) and University of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Students’ Council is so essential.

  • Of Theresa & Teleology

    The weekend of Mar. 6-9, the Manitoba NDP will head to its annual provincial convention, mandated with a leadership election. Of three candidates running, many have singled out Theresa Oswald for her electoral pragmatism and winnability. This justification for support is worth reflecting upon: Should leaders be determined based solely on their ability to win?

  • The Soapbox

    I spend most of my nights alone. In the summer months I go for long walks while listening to my iPod. In the winter I just hang out in my room reading a book or listening to some music. “If you ever get lonely just go to the record store and visit your friends” is one of my favourite lines from the movie Almost Famous because I think it’s totally true.

  • A Step in the Right Direction

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) has proposed that all students be required to take at least three credit hours focusing on Indigenous content in order to graduate. The recommendation, named the Indigenous Requirement, was crafted by the UWSA in conjunction with the University of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Students’ Council and in consultation with the Indigenous Advisory Circle.

  • Terror shows its ugly face in Denmark

    In January we witnessed the horrible attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris. I was shocked, as were many others. I’m from Denmark and considering what happened in 2006 with the Muhammad cartoon crisis, it didn’t make me confident that my country would be safe from terrorist attacks. It felt like it could be just below the surface. Sadly, it was.

  • Gamification

    Have you ever wondered, “what if life were more like a video game?"

  • Well, That’s Garbage

    How much sex should you be having?

  • Up All Night: The power of funk compels me

    I escaped from the Kingdom of Coupledom.

  • It’s time for Canada to act like a developed country

    In late January, Winnipeg declared its first ever city-wide boil water advisory. Though it turned out to be a false alarm, the whole city was abuzz about it, fearing the possibility of getting E. coli.

  • Is Selinger on the path to victory?

    Even with all of the turmoil that surrounds the provincial New Democratic Party (NDP) here in Manitoba, one thing remains clear: Greg Selinger is determined to stay the course.

  • Attacking Winnipeg Won’t End Racism

    If you managed to get through Nancy Macdonald’s Toronto-centric critique of Winnipeg, all 5762 words of it, and felt offended, you weren’t alone. The highly publicized article, which appeared on the front page of Maclean’s magazine, does little to address the issue of racism in our society, but many felt like it was a slap in the face for Winnipeg.

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