
  • Why everyone is an idiot

    I’m partway into my second year of the creative communications program at Red River College, and I’m learning some really interesting things.

  • The Better Voter Series: You can’t fight city hall… or so the saying goes

    The obstacles facing citizen groups and social justice advocates who attempt to influence policy decisions at the municipal level can seem insurmountable. Indeed, this sentiment may have something to do with the abysmally low voter turnout that typically dogs civic elections.

  • The Better Voter Series: Accountability lost: Winnipeg 2004 – 2010

    Three pillars of accountable government are transparency, integrity and honesty. With the upcoming civic election getting closer, we should examine the last six years of city politics since Sam Katz was elected as mayor and see what kind of a government we’ve had.

  • Soft language softens meaning

    I noticed a funny thing the other day while watching the evening news. People don’t get raped in Winnipeg anymore. They get beaten, killed, shot, stabbed, hit by cars and even set on fire. But they don’t get raped. Isn’t that nice?

  • Exploring the aid gap in Pakistan

    Pakistan has fallen victim to the worst natural disaster of the decade. The United Nations has classified it as worse than the 2004 Asian tsunami, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake,and the 2010 Haitian earthquake combined.

  • Winnipeg sucks, which is why we love it

    Like most Winnipeggers, I love our fair city with all my heart.

  • The Better Voter Series: Reflections of a fringe candidate

    After participating in five Winnipeg mayoral campaigns, I have often been asked whether or not it was worth running.

  • Adding it up

    A lot has changed at the University of Winnipeg in the five years I have attended – especially the minor details. Minor details, however, quickly add up.

  • Practically speaking

    “And what do you intend to do with that?”
    This seems to be the inevitable response one receives after proclaiming interest in pursuing an arts degree. Enrolment in the humanities at many schools is falling – one has only to gaze at the state of University of Winnipeg’s Classics and Philosophy departments to confirm this.

  • Welcome to the University of Winnipeg

    Well, here we all are again. Another summer is over and once again it’s time to head back to school.

  • American Apparel dropping more than drawers

    Ladies and gentlemen, stock up on that ever-so-sexy American Apparel apparel because you may no longer be able to in a few months time.

  • Endorsing corruption

    Judy Wasylycia-Leis is an admirable politician, talented populist and skilled policy-wonk who has remained at least 10 points behind current Mayor Sam Katz in all public opinion polls over the course of the summer.

  • Sam Katz: Menace on the soccer pitch and in City Hall

    In case you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months (or are one of the approximately seven billion people who don’t live in Winnipeg, and would therefore have no reason to care), there is a civic election scheduled in Winnipeg for Oct. 27, 2010.

  • Proposed conservative Canadian television network will no doubt be boring

    It was announced recently that Quebecor, owner of the Sun Media chain, will launch a cable news network aimed at turning the tide of liberal mainstream media. It will be called Sun Television.

  • Responding to violence in the West End

    As you are likely aware, there has been an increasing level of violence in the West End over the past number of weeks - including the rape of a young girl on Langside Street and the murders of two young people, which were gang related.

  • Why the beautiful game is so beautiful

    Whether you call it “football,” “futbol,” “futebol,” “calcio” or “soccer” (yuck!), frankly, it doesn’t matter - the game is far more important than the semantics. You should indeed pay attention and respect to “the beautiful game.”

  • How about an environmental action plan?

    Canada’s economic action plan is in full swing, with signs appearing everywhere to alert us of impending bicycle paths, highway improvements and other infrastructure developments.

  • Support and encouragement from total strangers

    The Manitoba Marathon came and went this year, in a burst of avid and amateur runners. On June 20, 13,686 participants crossed the finish line at the University of Manitoba’s stadium.

  • Entering the vagina/vodka dialogue

    I heard recently from a friend that there’s a new trend popular with teenaged girls which involves them soaking tampons in vodka and inserting them into their vaginas. This way, they believe, they’ll get drunker faster.

  • Running: everybody’s doing it (and for good reason)

    So this week, I’d like to provide a detailed description of the “runner’s high” to hopefully entice all of you into taking up the fun and exciting pass time of running.

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