
  • Winter releases its icy grip on our hearts and minds

    You know it’s been a long winter when the sight of dry, un-iced concrete puts a smile on your face for the rest of the day.

  • Towards a secular basis for responsibility towards others

    Lately, there has been concern raised about the issue of secular humanism.

  • Why downtown Winnipeg needs on-street parking

    In their business plan for the next two years, the Winnipeg Parking Authority, the City of Winnipeg’s special operating agency that regulates parking downtown, has proposed increasing parking meter rates and introducing paid parking of $1 per hour on weekday evenings, between 5:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.

  • Hey God, what the fuck?

    Hello, dear readers. Because I love you all so much, and because it is my Christian duty to help whomever I can, I’ve decided to use this week’s column to post a letter to God.

  • A system that is broken

    The claim that the police occasionally use violence against citizens is no longer contestable in an age of cellphones and security cameras.

  • Finding hope during the end times

    At the surface level, there is almost no hope for humanity in a world that is rapidly approaching apocalyptic catastrophe.

  • Worthlessly shilling worthless products

    Recently, I received six months of free television as part of a promotion from my cable provider.

  • The death of adjectives in scientific writing

    Horrid! Daunting! Down-right scary!
    As the deadline for those looming final formal lab reports draws near, be sure to pause and consider your scientific writing technique before drawing your conclusions.

  • The telecommunications times, they are a-changing

    In recent years, the relevance of the Canadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) in the 21st century has come into question.

  • Evil has a face. A vile, flowery face.

    Good and evil are terms we use quite often, but they are surprisingly hard to define.

  • The Wolseley Anarchists

    They are making informed, self-reflexive and dedicated anarchists around the city slap their head every time they pass through Wolseley.

  • Michael Moore, meet Charles Ferguson

    When George W. Bush won his re-election campaign in 2004, Michael Moore was upset.

  • The human rights paradox

    Say what you will about the University of Winnipeg. Yes, we have cramped classrooms, our library stacks need a serious overhaul (I’ll never forget the 100-year-old secondary source I used for a paper last year) and our student body is about as active in UWSA elections as my grandma is on Facebook.

  • Doctoring the historical account

    Little over a month ago, the Weinstein Company released a 23-minute documentary on the making of the Oscar-winning film “The King’s Speech.” In it, screenwriter David Seidler discusses the long struggle to get the script approved for production by the Crown.

  • Absurd rape ruling demonstrates how far we have yet to go

    On Friday, Feb. 25, a group of student activists, feminists, representatives of community organizations and community members rallied outside the Law Courts on York to protest the sentencing decision made by Justice Robert Dewar regarding a Thompson rape case.

  • A fuel source to approach with caution

    With the atmospheric carbon emissions levels hovering around 391 parts per million (ppm) as of January 2011, and the threat of rising global oil prices, the need to reduce carbon emissions and reliance upon oil is increasingly clear.

  • Why we should oppose human rights

    The idea of universal human rights has proven to be one of the greatest tragedies of the 20th, and so far, the 21st centuries.

  • Pooh-poohing the pothole critics

    The extreme prairie weather arguably hits us hardest in January. Following that, it hits us where the sun don’t shine: the chassis of our vehicles.

  • This week, J. saves the newspaper industry

    Newspapers are going to shit. It’s no secret – we all know it’s true.

  • The local food paradigm shift

    Eric Schlosser, author of Fast Food Nation, recently said that apathy and ignorance are the reasons why the healthy and local food movement hasn’t caught on like the recycling movement has.

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