
  • I struck out on my own

    When I first moved out of my old place with roommates and into an apartment all by myself, my parents back in India were worried.

  • Ecosexuality: I kiss the ground I walk upon

    Performance artist and sexologist Annie Sprinkle and her partner, University of California art-department chair and professor Beth Stephens, are credited with popularizing what is recognized today as ecosexuality.

  • Healthcare gaslighting isn’t just greed - it’s violence

    Another week, another abysmal event in Manitoba’s healthcare spiral.

  • Left behind culinary culture

    If breathing is our most instinctual act, then eating is our most human.

  • Diagnosed as female

    The film doesn’t matter, although I’ve only seen a handful in theatres over the past few years.

  • Turning 24

    January 2023 hit like a ton of bricks, and something else is on the way: my 24th birthday.

  • Frightening, fun fungi

    Like many fellow pop-culture dorks, I’m really enjoying watching The Last of Us, HBO’s new twist on the zombie genre.

  • The cost of commodifying pleasure

    It was blue, sparkly, worn like a Finger Monster and possibly bought at a gas station.

  • Introducing Edith Hancox, socialist feminist

    In early September 1919, thousands of Women’s Labour League meeting attendees resolved to march to Manitoba’s provincial legislature and demand that jailed strike leaders be released from prison.

  • Lingering symptoms

    In December, after nearly three years of masking up, sanitizing my hands and limiting my social engagement, 

  • When words fail

    In a guest essay for the New York Times, author Rachel Aviv describes reporting on clinics for people experiencing the early stages of psychosis and meeting “many young patients who were struggling to express what was happening to their minds.”

  • Deicing’s impact on Lake Winnipeg

    Most Winnipeggers can recall a time they slipped down frozen porch steps or skidded through an icy road’s stop sign.

  • Hateful Frontiers

    On Jan. 13, at least six provincial Progressive Conservative (PC) caucus members attended an event hosted by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP).

  • “...with a road map.”

    2023 still has its baby teeth, but the global right wing has wasted no time in upping the ante.

  • Abortion (mis)representation

    I didn’t know what happened, except that “the guy had a dirty knife and a folding table.”

  • Pleasure is power

    I first wrote about pleasure activism in September of 2020 for my first Mother of Goo column.

  • Defensive maneuvers

    When five-time Ballon d’Or winner Cristiano Ronaldo signed with Saudi Arabian soccer club Al Nassr late last year, critics cited the move as yet another example of sportswashing.

  • Grey areas

    My sister and I call them “grey areas.”

  • Chip and pepper on rye

    Sometimes, good news comes from truly surprising places.

  • Pop my cherry!

    Virginity is a loaded word.

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