
  • Universal basic income is not the answer

    We need to be more creative and imagine more progressive ways to subsidize and lower real costs of living, putting the onus back on governments and the wealthy.

  • Free computers provided to students

    With the shift to online learning for post-secondary institutions, having access to a computer and an internet connection is necessary for students. 

  • Jack of all trades

    For Shawn Moi, becoming an instructor for the University of Winnipeg’s Rhetoric, Writing and Communications department was not something he planned from the start.

  • COVID-19 disrupts research

    As most Canadian universities have shifted to online instruction, much of the media focus has been on how instructors and students have adapted to online classrooms.

  • Campus Briefs

    Accessibility Services // Awards and Financial Aid // Student Central // Student Services

  • Pandemic may increase domestic violence

    November is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the risk of violence has only increased with the ongoing stress and restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Getting home safe(r)

    In the time of COVID-19, some may feel uncomfortable riding public transit. 

  • NCTR hosts online panel on reconciliation

    “Reconciliation is a gift that has been given to us by survivors so that we can all collectively be part of leaving behind a better Canada.”

  • Books without barriers

    As part of the third phase of reopening libraries, Millennium Library has now opened its doors without security screening measures in place at the entrance. 

  • City Briefs

    Gearing up for the byelection // New infill guidelines Q-and-A // Love After the End book launch // Imagining a better recovery // Webinar Wednesdays // Indigenous governance and co-operative models

  • The spookiest Halloween yet

    Although Halloween may look and be experienced differently this year, there are still indoor and outdoor activities planned around Winnipeg to keep the holiday spirit alive.

  • When pandemics collide

    While news of the COVID-19 pandemic has flooded our feeds, and rightly so, an opioid crisis of devastating proportions has been quietly ravaging communities in Winnipeg and across the province.

  • Mining towns and domineering corporations

    “I’ve always felt as if a corporation should not run a community.” 

  • UWSA byelection underway

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association’s byelection nomination period has been underway since Sept. 28.

  • Campus Briefs

    Academic and Career Services // Accessibiity Services // Awards and Financial Aid // Student Central

  • Propagating self-care

    To celebrate World Mental Health Day, Winnipeggers can reward themselves with a complimentary free plant on Oct. 10.

  • Supporting seniors of today and tomorrow

    On Thursday at noon, the Manitoba Health Coalition will host a virtual event through their Facebook page to call for the establishment of a Manitoba Seniors Advocate.

  • City Briefs

    Observing Orange Shirt Day remotely // End of intermission // Virtual panel on Gandhi and business ethics // Collection begins // The return of on-campus art // New way to shop from home arrives in Winnipeg

  • This has been brewing for long enough

    Two years after the Not My Stella’s platform was created on Instagram highlighting worker complaints against Stella’s management, the local restaurant chain is in hot water again.

  • Gamifying Narrative Studies

    The bulk of the work Ryan Clement does as an instructor for the University of Winnipeg’s Rhetoric, Writing and Communication and English departments is in academic writing.

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