
  • Campus briefs

    Grades // Reading Week // Fall/Winter term courses // Winter term courses // Webinar Wednesdays // Bursaries // Student Aid // Good Friday // Winter term lectures // myVisit app

  • Holding accountability to account

    Community groups allege structural issues prevent police liability

  • City briefs

    Dial “C” for community // The road to climate resilience // New dean announcements // Rent better // New immunization site for priority First Nations populations // Black History Manitoba virtual programming

  • There is a story inside every building

    Winnipeg’s architecture examined in audio dramas

  • Arts briefs

    Cr8ery exhibition closing soon // Stuck at Home // Disabled People Talking // 356 Days/365 Plays (One Act) // Free big-band concerts // Light up the Pyramid, hosted by MEMETIC

  • There is power in a (student) union

    And perhaps the provincial government is afraid of that

  • Seeking shelter in Winnipeg Transit shacks

    Province must invest more to aid those experiencing houselessness

  • Queer theory and a love of reading

    PROFile: Heather Milne, associate professor, Department of English, U of W

  • Digital education during a pandemic

    U of W groups present innovative solutions

  • Winnipeg-based ClimateWest launched last month

    Non-profit focuses on Prairie provinces

  • Campus Briefs

    Webinar Wednesdays // Grades // Reading Week // Fall/winter term courses // Bursaries // Student Aid // myVisit app

  • Festival du Voyageur goes virtual

    Programming includes workshops and eight days of free online concerts

  • Keeping Winnipeggers warm, and more

    Warming Centre aims to fill gaps in services

  • City briefs

    The queens return // Collegiate pod now online // Virtually welcoming potential students // Pathway to Graduate Studies deadline // UWSA election bylaw restructuring // Reading from Zalika Reid-Benta

  • Arts briefs

    MB Arts Network’s online performances // Raine Hamilton at the West End Cultural Centre // Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra quintets // Shred Kelly plays the Winnipeg Folk Festival, virtually // Roaring 2020s at Home hosted by MEMETIC // Theory at Home

  • The Hydro-impacted

    A call to action for northern Manitoba’s Indigenous communities

  • Losing traction

    When cyclists make sidewalks unsafe

  • Reproductive health not a concern for minister of health

    To the Manitoba PC government, reproduction is still a ‘women’s issue’

  • Agents for change

    PROFile: Jeannie Kerr, associate professor and chair of Human Ethics Committee, Faculty of Education, U of W

  • ‘Riding through the Ancient World’

    U of W classics department hosts online lectures

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