
  • Field guide concert coming to the West End Cultural Centre

    While some people chose to try new things and learn new hobbies over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, others worked hard on things they had always wanted to do. Dylan MacDonald, known by his musical alias, Field Guide, did exactly that.

  • Haircare and self-care

    It’s finally here. Whether you’ve been anticipating it or dreading it, there is snow on the ground in Winnipeg. Wednesday morning, I watched out my apartment window as the rain gradually transformed into fluffy white flakes.

  • This is our hair

    “Growing up, this is what we do,” local stylist and owner of BraidsbyKemLis, Kemi Lisoyi, says.

  • Campus briefs

    Student success workshop// Webinar Wednesdays: Tips for success!// Dropping courses// Thrive week// In-person service resumes for some departments in Student Services// Use the myVisit App// Need a spot for your winter coat? Rent a locker!

  • PROFile: Philosophy is?

    During her undergrad, Carolyn Garland – contract instructor for the University of Winnipeg’s (U of W) philosophy department – was initially divided between two fields of study.

  • U of W researchers working on global HBV study

    Members of the University of Winnipeg’s (U of W) Caribbean Research Institute have been working with a team of researchers from across the globe to uncover the historical evolution of the hepatitis B virus (HBV).

  • The intersection of colonization, climate change and mental health

    The University of Winnipeg’s Prairie Climate Centre (PCC) released new content regarding the intersection of climate change and mental health in the Climate Atlas of Canada on Oct. 10 – also known as World Mental Health Day.

  • Consequences for Bolsonaro?

    Jair Bolsonaro, president of Brazil since January 2019, is an extreme political figure. He is an admirer of the brutal Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, a misogynist and a science denier. Most recently, his disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic has led to calls for him to face criminal charges.

  • COP26 underway in Glasgow

    COP26, the United Nations’ climatechange conference, is currently underway in Glasgow, Scotland. World leaders, experts, activists and lobbyists have converged on the city to discuss and create policies to address the climate crisis.

  • City briefs

    March against police violence this weekend// Antiquity analysis at the Legislature// Municipal vaccine mandate updates// Manitoba College at 150// Strike is in session// Career supports from student services

  • Arts brief

    Drag brunch goes live// Two generations of art// Field Guide releases lead cover single// Jocelyn Gould Quartet jazzes up the WECC// The Telephone & La Voix humaine// Rise Again virtually

  • Critipeg: Kímmapiiyipitssini: The Meaning of Empathy

    Plays Nov. 19 at Cinematheque

  • Cranking up the stories

    Combining image arts with the sounds of local music, the Winnipeg Crankie Festival redefines a popular storytelling tradition from the 19th century. This year, the festival will run from Nov. 5 to 7, with live shows taking place at the West End Cultural Centre and at the Crescent Fort Rouge United Church.

  • Local queer spaces (re)open their doors

    For several months, public-health restrictions compromised the existence of a handful of 2SLGBTQIA+ spaces in Winnipeg. Some chose to pivot virtually, while others were more or less forced to shut their doors indefinitely.

  • Enveloped in art

    Let the world fall away and lose yourself in an immersive experience with Sanctuaries, a curatorial, architectural and artistic masterpiece that is rewriting the rules of art viewership.

  • A Cinematic Rendezvous

    From Nov. 5 to 7, a curated selection of French-language films will hit screens at the second half of Cinémental.

  • Sore Losers

    The right-wing outrage machine is at it again, whining about election losses and undermining democratic processes. This time, it’s happening right here at Winnipeg’s Victoria Inn.

  • Speculating Manitoba, and beyond

    Literary fiction has been forever in conflict with its sibling and nemesis: genre fiction. In general, the literary world sees literary fiction as “highbrow” works that cannot be defined by their relationship to any specific genre.

  • Trendy Ghost

  • Stepping into the forgotten world of live events

    My entire life has always revolved around the arts. As a singer, I love seeing concerts, orchestral performances and open-mic nights. As an actor, I love watching plays, musicals and improv. As a visual artist, I enjoy attending gallery openings, art shows and just generally being around talent and art.

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