
  • International News Briefs

    Hollywood movie Zero Dark Thirty prompts Senate inquiry; Authors shed light on South African cycling culture; First female Afghan rapper comes out of the woodwork; Father of Indian rape victim speaks out

  • Local News Briefs

    Knives “weapon of choice” in 2012 Winnipeg homicides; Staff departures continue to plague Canadian Museum of Human Rights; Thunderbird restaurant not going anywhere; City administration obligated to disclose Emterra garbage fines, says lawyer

  • Wesmen News Briefs

    Wesmen fall short in effort to clinch Wesmen Classic basketball championship; Wesmen wrestlers disappoint in Alberta Golden Bears invitational tournament

  • Campus News Briefs

    Frank Shebageget comes to Gallery 1C03; University sets up fund for Kinew; First a hall, now a library; Donation benefits business students

  • West End businesses throw feast for new neighbours

    Making your way in a new place is never easy - but turkey, presents and a bearded man dressed in red flannel can go a long way to help.

  • Canadian Senate proposes massive seal slaughter

    A Canadian Senate committee recently recommended the termination of 70,000 grey seals in order to benefit the country’s cod fishery, raising the ire of scientists and environmentalists from coast to coast.

  • U of W loses vice-president academic in sudden departure

    The University of Winnipeg’s vice-president academic - considered the most influential administrator on campus next to president Lloyd Axworthy - recently departed the university in a sudden move, leaving many unanswered questions in his wake.

  • Movember

    What influenced the style of moustache you chose to grow for Movember?

  • Closure of provincial Conservation Library renews calls for end to balanced budget legislation

    The province’s decision to close the provincial Conservation and Environment Library is based on poor policy, critics charge.

  • ‘Welcomed with open arms’

    As someone who lives with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), Russ Hilsher sees the world differently than most.

  • Taps to run dry at St. Regis after CentreVenture purchase

    While many have praised plans to turn the St. Regis Hotel Embassy Lounge into a dry facility, others, including the bar’s regular patrons, say they are disappointed by the plan.

  • International News Briefs

    Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei breaks silence; Border negotiations begin between Israel, Palestinians; Canadian Mark Carney named Bank of England Governor; Man behind controversial anti-Muslim film has no regrets

  • Local News Briefs

    Katz could be ousted like Rob Ford; Manitoba Liberal leader calls for resignation of child advocate; Whooping cough rates double in Manitoba; Winnipeggers enter federal robocall fray

  • Immortalizing the voices of West End residents

    A new pilot project at the University of Winnipeg Archives and Records Centre intends to revive and immortalize the stories of a defunct West End community newspaper.

  • Local News Briefs

    City to review snow clearing complaints; Métis considered in Bipole III change; Proposal to sell city land near The Forks defeated; Manitoba ranked high in charitable giving; Police call guns-for-cameras campaign successful

  • Working against sexism and homophobia

    Local activist Sarah Granke grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Her decision to become involved in the city’s feminist activist community was influenced greatly by her family and her studies at the University of Manitoba.

  • East meets west in pro-biking seminar

    As a bike courier, Kat Hindmarsh knows Winnipeg’s infamous bike culture better than most.

  • Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame reopens in Sport For Life Centre

    Officials with Manitoba’s Sports Hall of Fame (HOF) are hoping its recent grand reopening will help with efforts to reinvigorate the East Exchange.

  • Grand Chief responds to protests over search for Nepinak remains

    The search for Tanya Nepinak’s remains has been suspended for more than a month, but public debate over the issue continues to rage on both sides.

  • Students approve UPass at referendums

    Both the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association and the University of Manitoba Students’ Union have received mandates to proceed with negotiations for a subsidized bus pass.

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