
  • Three things you missed at the second Liberal leadership debate

    This past weekend, the newly renovated Metropolitan Theatre at 281 Donald St. played host to the second debate between nine candidates vying for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, bringing with it a fair share of controversy.

  • Cooperation between NDP, Liberals flies in the face of democratic values

    I have a confession to make.

  • Post-secondary exploitation

    Are universities exploiting undergraduate students?

  • Theatre students explore identity and human connection in Seven Doors

    The University of Winnipeg’s third-year acting honours class is set to begin performances of Botho Strauss’s Seven Doors on Feb. 12.

  • What do you think of Winnipeg’s cycling culture?

    What do you think of Winnipeg’s cycling culture? Is Winnipeg a hospitable environment for cyclists?

  • South African photo project documents unique cycling culture

    When Stan Engelbrecht and Nic Grobler decided to set off on a journey across their native South Africa through 2010 and 2011 to document the nation’s commuter bike culture, they knew they were in search of something elusive.

  • Local News Briefs

    Downtown casino in the works for years; Winnipeg bus company sells shares; Biker sentenced for murder of rival gang leader; Paddlewheel closes for good

  • International News Briefs

    Syrian refugees trying to make their way out; North Korea threatens the US; Ethics of drone attacks under investigation; Troops move into Mali

  • Corydon Avenue business owners want say in new plan

    Corydon Avenue business owners want to know why they’re being left out of the information loop.

  • In search of a solution to domestic violence

    A recently launched provincial campaign is working to stop violence against women.

  • West Broadway Community Organization is one for the people

    The West Broadway Community Organization is hoping to get seniors and youth working together to improve their neighbourhood.

  • Student loan privacy breach puts students at risk

    The federal government waited too long to tell more than 500,000 Canadian students that a hard drive containing detailed personal information had gone missing, a local information ethics and privacy expert says.

  • A reincarnated classic

    There’s no question 555 Osborne, a cozy, sign-less live music venue and pub tucked away a few blocks south of Confusion Corner, has the Winnipeg market for Thai restaurant basement bars cornered.

  • Campus infrastructure under fire

    As the University of Winnipeg’s newly renovated AnX building receives criticism of its design, rumours of the university’s interference in the design process have emerged.

  • Residents of Exchange group decry parking problems

    Exchange District residents and business owners will have to wait until summer to find out how the city plans to address controversial parking policies that have resulted in the closure of one business and the widespread annoyance of neighbourhood residents.

  • Youth-led anti-violence movement celebrates one-year anniversary

    More than a year after it formed, a youth-led anti-violence movement in the North End continues to chip away at crime in the community.

  • Three current game-changers in downtown development

    What was for years Winnipeg’s biggest of big-screens, the IMAX theatre in Portage Place, is set to close this March after the property’s owner, the Forks North Portage Partnership (FNPP), announced it had become financially unviable.

  • Soma Café relocation pushed back to fall

    Construction delays have pushed back the relocation of the financially beleaguered Soma Café to fall 2013, the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association says.

  • Uncertain campus development sparks concerns from Spence community

    As the University of Winnipeg continues construction on a pair of expansion projects on the west side of campus, community organizations and residents are raising concerns about the potential loss of housing in the neighbourhood.

  • Church conversions move forward in the core

    While St. Matthew’s Anglican Church might look like a bastion of unwavering tradition from its exterior, on the inside, it, like numerous other churches in Winnipeg, is undergoing a dramatic change.

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