
  • Anyone Can Shoot

    Winnipeg is a movie makin’ city. Huge talents such as Guy Maddin, Noam Gonick and the Astron-6 crew have been crafting strange and beautiful cinematic gems locally for years. Their work has inspired many others to follow suit and pick up a camera. But it’s not easy. Your idea, your story, your script is only the first small step on a very long journey.

  • Day pass delirium

    Once again, a public outcry has arisen surrounding Vince Li.

  • UWSA election season off to slow start

    In less than two weeks hundreds of University of Winnipeg students will take to the polls to elect the 2015-16 board of directors for the U of W Students’ Association (UWSA).

  • u of w’s graduate studies program awarded competitive grant

    The University of Winnipeg’s Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) has been awarded an $825,000 grant to be distributed through 2018, and more than half of the funding will go to incoming international students.

  • A celebration of scholarship

    “The first time I set foot on campus was at the spring powwow eight years ago,” current powwow co-ordinator Grace Redhead-Clarke says over coffee in the Aboriginal Student Lounge.

  • These white eyes on me…

    “Dear White People, please stop touching my hair, does this look like a petting zoo to you?"

  • Feminism and a Falafel - Streeter

    In this instalment of Feminism and a Falafel, Brittany asks students at the University of Winnipeg what Feminism means to them.

  • Girls to the Front

    Winnipeg’s music scene can be a straight, white, able-bodied boys’ club, but some people have been working over the last few months to try and change that stereotype.

  • Up All Night With Paranoia and Playtex

    I have a confession to make. I’m scared to walk at night alone.

  • Energetic debate

    TransCanada’s Energy East Pipeline promises to benefit the economy and create jobs but critics argue those benefits come at a cost.

  • Safe at home

    Nursing homes are an important resource that can easily be taken for granted. It’s comforting to know that when old age makes it challenging for us to live independently, care homes can provide safe assisted living.

  • Youth voice strong in leadership campaign

    With the NDP’s long-awaited and controversial leadership convention beginning on Mar. 6, candidates Steve Ashton, Greg Selinger and Theresa Oswald are busy making final attempts to garner support and strengthen their chance of emerging from Canad Inns Polo Park on Mar. 8 as the NDP leader of Manitoba.

  • Here comes the sun

    It’s time again to mess with the time.

  • Understanding Through Education

    Full disclosure: I am not First Nations, Métis, or Inuit. I’m as Irish/French-Canadian as they come. But that’s partially why I think the new mandatory graduation requirement being proposed by the University of Winnipeg Student’s Association (UWSA) and University of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Students’ Council is so essential.

  • Of Theresa & Teleology

    The weekend of Mar. 6-9, the Manitoba NDP will head to its annual provincial convention, mandated with a leadership election. Of three candidates running, many have singled out Theresa Oswald for her electoral pragmatism and winnability. This justification for support is worth reflecting upon: Should leaders be determined based solely on their ability to win?

  • Streeter

    Are you in favor or the implementation of a mandatory indigenous component at the University of Winnipeg?

  • Sinking Into Some Shawarma Good Times

    Having only tried shawarma for the first time recently, I was intrigued by what tastes awaited me.

  • Stock up on love in aisle three

    When Lukas Frank created a simple Facebook event, he did it on a whim. Little did he suspect that it might lead to love for many a Winnipegger.

  • Liberating Winnipeg Centre

    The man who swept into Winnipeg’s mayoral race and earned votes through a grassroots campaign and frank discussion of the city’s inequity is now running federally for the Liberal Party of Canada in Winnipeg Centre.

  • Significant cinema

    It’s easy to take the right to an education for granted.

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