
  • News briefs

    Justin Trudeau appoints cabinet // Shoal Lake residents visit U of W // FOI Friday // Retired NHL star boasts new book // Wesmen wrestling teams fought for four medals // Remembrance Day 

  • Safety first

    Halloween trend means more indoor trick or treating

  • Fashion Streeter

    Kwezi - “I used to listen to a lot of hip-hop, so that really influences my style.”


    U of W prof says polluted lake is a lost cause

  • The PROFile

    The PROFile - Vesna Milosevic-Zdjelar


    Historical Halloween stop might require bringing extra underwear


    Winnipeg social agencies team up to survey city’s homeless


    New policies create inclusive spaces for transgender children

  • News briefs

    Mayor marks one year in office // Allies visit Shoal Lake 40 // Body positivity gets #BARE // Trudeau appoints new cabinet // Halloween haunts 

  • Speaking across borders

    Shawn Katz talks activism, social change, and going beyond our comfort zones

  • Fashion Streeter

    Randeep - “It’s not really a style. I just throw together things that look good. But you can make something up if you want and write about that.”

  • The PROFile

    The PROFile - Dr. W. Rory Dickson

    Assistant professor, Department of Religion and Culture

  • Trimbee talks

    U of W president presents first state of the university address

  • News briefs

    Folklorama-like fun // New magazine dedicated to Aboriginal perspectives // Prairie Climate Centre gets provincial funding // Spin a yarn // Acclaimed Montreal journalist speaks at U of W // City recycles batteries free of charge 

  • Becoming winter warriors

    International students learn to fight off the cold

  • Hardly handi

    People with disabilities launch complaint against Handi-Transit

  • Balls to the wall

    Winnipeg dodgeball is taking a leap to the next level

  • Breaking ground

    New blood in the men’s Wesmen soccer ranks

  • From Crisis to Campus

    Student refugees share stories of how they found their way here

  • Fashion Streeter

    Alora “I dress to please myself, not others.”

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