
  • PROFILE: Mary Jane McCallum

    Mary McCallum is a First Nations professor who started working at the University of Winnipeg in 2008 in the history department.

  • UWSA hopes that board won’t raise tuition

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) hopes to learn specifically which financial struggles students are experiencing from the Campus Poverty Report survey that closed on Oct. 11.

  • UWSA looking to change sexual assault policy

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) recently signed on to the Our Turn National Student Action Plan (Our Turn), a coalition of student groups and unions across the country, pledging to improve the university’s current sexual assault policy.

  • St. Vital school gets new field

    Dakota Collegiate’s historically undersized field has been renovated and renamed the Murray Field, allowing the school to have its first home games in 54 years.

  • A hub for francophone resources

    The St. Boniface Library, unique in the Winnipeg Public Library system for its extensive collection of French materials, serves an important role in St. Boniface and the broader Winnipeg francophone community.

  • News Briefs

    Nurses at St. Boniface Hospital // Canadian history lecture // Public feedback on skate park // 60s Scoop rally // Legalizing pot

  • Exploring stories through The Human Library

    The Human Library is an international movement for social change.

  • Basketball team prepares for a new season

    October brings basketball back to campus, as the University of Winnipeg Wesmen men’s squad is evaluating players and making final roster cuts during their pre-season schedule.

  • Candidates run in UWSA byelection

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) is holding byelections to fill a number of vacant board of directors positions, and, this year, the association hopes to exceed historically low voter turnout.

  • City may prohibit vaping in public places

    A newly proposed initiative by Winnipeg’s city council may see e-cigarettes counted among many tobacco products which will be prohibited on outdoor patios at bars and restaurants.

  • Sustainable commuting with new app

    The Green Action Centre is launching their GoManitoba app and hopes to encourage workers to find alternatives to lone person car commutes.

  • Hydro rate hikes a risk-management strategy

    Consumers in Manitoba may experience multiple hydroelectric power rate increases of 7.9 per cent, as Manitoba Hydro plans to deal with the risk debt imposes.

  • PROFile: Julie Nagam

    Nagam is the chair of Indigenous Arts of North America and an associate professor at The University of Winnipeg. She’s also an artist, and she and Jamie Isaac co-curated INSURGENCE/RESURGENCE, which is currently set up at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG).

  • News Briefs

    New pedestrian bridge // Public forum on refugees // Psychology colloquium // Winnipeg Pet Show // Nurses at St. Boniface Hospital 

  • Profile: Conor Whatley

    Studying ancient Greek and Roman history was not where professor Conor Whately thought his university career would end up.

  • More than a week for mental health

    The University of Winnipeg (U of W) and the student groups it houses offer resources to support the mental health and well-being of students in a number of ways.

  • Why do fringe banks fill the inner city?

    Within the last 30 years, accessing financial services has became trickier in low-income areas like Winnipeg’s North End.

  • New playing field for cabs

    Big changes are planned for taxicab regulation in Winnipeg.

  • News Briefs

    Food Services // City Hall Christmas tree // Skywalk Lecture Series // Leadership debate // Dominica Relief Fundraiser // Winnipeg Op-Shop

  • Accessibility concerns with campus washrooms

    ​The University of Winnipeg has been adapting its campus to address the needs of gender non-conforming (GNC) individuals in the past few years. However, accessibility to gender-neutral washrooms is still an issue.

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