
  • Blast from the past

    A look at the University of Winnipeg then and now

  • Urban jungle

    Scaling Winnipeg's parkour scene

  • Low income citizens need better housing

    Local researchers urge the federal government to take action

  • Closing time

    The final days of the Osborne Village Motor Inn

  • Gone haunting

    Exploring the paranormal side of Winnipeg

  • From Crisis to Campus

    Student refugees share stories of how they found their way here

  • Equality in education

    Students with disabilities still face accessibility issues

  • Telling their own stories

    Faron Hall will be remembered by many Winnipeggers as the “Homeless Hero” who saved two people from drowning in the Red River before succumbing to its current himself years later. Hall became a minor celebrity in the Winnipeg newscycle for his heroics, but also for his ongoing struggle with addiction and occasional run-ins with police.

  • A Tale of Two Summits

    The issue of racism in Winnipeg was brought to the forefront of public consciousness last winter after Maclean’s magazine published an article titled “Welcome to Winnipeg: Where Canada’s racism problem is at its worst.”

  • Winnipeg’s comedy renaissance

    Winnipeg is known for a lot of things. Well, maybe a small handful, most of them weather-related, and comedy hasn’t always been one of them. 

    Yet Winnipeg is currently several years deep into a bona fide comedy renaissance. 

  • Know your foundation

    Heading back to school can be a flurry of commotion, of logistics, schedules, new faces and places. In all this bustling, it can be easy to overlook the work it takes behind the scenes for the campus to be ready for us. The University of Winnipeg campus has grown to fill 1.66 million square-feet, and all of those buildings are maintained by Physical Plant and their staff of 33.

  • Does this bug you?

    Let’s face it, we’re not in kindergarten anymore. Calling out “ew, that’s gross” and puckering our faces in disgust won’t make the brussel sprouts, cabbage other “ew” food just turn into ice cream.

  • Anyone Can Shoot

    Winnipeg is a movie makin’ city. Huge talents such as Guy Maddin, Noam Gonick and the Astron-6 crew have been crafting strange and beautiful cinematic gems locally for years. Their work has inspired many others to follow suit and pick up a camera. But it’s not easy. Your idea, your story, your script is only the first small step on a very long journey.

  • Girls to the Front

    Winnipeg’s music scene can be a straight, white, able-bodied boys’ club, but some people have been working over the last few months to try and change that stereotype.

  • To Speak & Be Heard

    Embarking on a career in the arts can be daunting. Scratch that.

  • A Day For the Families

    It was an afternoon of sharing, comfort and remembrance as nearly 300 people gathered at the University of Winnipeg for the eighth annual Women’s Memorial March of Manitoba for All Missing and Murdered.

  • On the Top Rope

    There’s a boom happening in Winnipeg right now. It’s a local scene experiencing the type of renaissance that one rarely sees in action. There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of it, because it receives virtually no coverage from the local press. 


    In the 1970s, Manitoba took a national leadership role on poverty reduction through the Mincome (Minimum Income) program in the city of Dauphin. According to the CBC, “From 1974 through 1978, about 30 per cent of the population of Dauphin was provided with a ‘mincome,’ as the guaranteed level of income came to be called.”

  • One Part Outlaw, One Part Artist, One Part Explorer

    It might be considered graffiti and an act of vandalism, but Kush’s poster of the late ‘homeless hero’ Faron Hall reads like something completely different.

  • Unsafe walk

    A University of Winnipeg representative says members of the public looking to take advantage of the institution’s hospitality aren’t welcome on campus.

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