
  • My Network moment

    When I prepared to write my editorial  last week, I was steaming mad.

    Just hours earlier, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, a massive hate rally had gathered at the Manitoba Legislative Building, part of coordinated anti-2SLGBTQIA+ demonstrations across Canada. While counter-protesters were there, they were vastly outnumbered. I was angry, saddened and feeling hopeless.

  • Hateful, Horrid Heather

    On Wednesday, Sept. 20, crowds of protesters descended on the Manitoba Legislature and The Forks to rally in support of “parental rights.” “Parental rights” is the anti-2SLGBTQIA+ hate lobby’s newest dog-whistle term used to cloak their fight against basic human rights for transgender people.

  • Ghosts of Winnipeg past

    As I write these words on Wednesday afternoon, the Windsor Hotel is on fire.

    The hotel and music venue on Garry Street, built in 1903, has sat vacant since March, when it was closed due to a provincial health hazard order. Its future remained in doubt before the fire. Now, its fate is sealed.

  • Social Media Muzzle

    It’s the first week of September. Classes are back in session at the University of Winnipeg. That can only mean one thing: it’s the start of a new publishing year at The Uniter! Actually, that’s only one of many things it can mean. But as managing editor of this newspaper, it’s probably the only one that I would reasonably be writing about.

  • The Urban Issue: To police or not to police?

    Well, Uniter readers, I write this in a bittersweet mood.

  • More Uniter than usual!

    Those of you who picked up a physical copy of The Uniter this past week may have noticed something weird.

  • Ouch, my computer

    While working on this week’s issue of The Uniter, I ran into a problem that stopped me in my tracks.

  • Standing with our trans siblings

    This past Friday, March 3, the University of Winnipeg (U of W) hosted a lecture that many in the city’s 2SLGBTQIA+ communities worried would direct hate at transgender people.

  • Addicted to subs

    This deep into Winnipeg’s winters, I typically go into what I call “hibernation mode.”

  • A year of blood on Russia’s hands

    This week’s Uniter cover feature, by city editor Tessa Adamski, examines the efforts to aid Ukrainian refugees resettling in Manitoba.

  • Healthcare gaslighting isn’t just greed - it’s violence

    Another week, another abysmal event in Manitoba’s healthcare spiral.

  • Frightening, fun fungi

    Like many fellow pop-culture dorks, I’m really enjoying watching The Last of Us, HBO’s new twist on the zombie genre.

  • Lingering symptoms

    In December, after nearly three years of masking up, sanitizing my hands and limiting my social engagement, 

  • Hateful Frontiers

    On Jan. 13, at least six provincial Progressive Conservative (PC) caucus members attended an event hosted by the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP).

  • “...with a road map.”

    2023 still has its baby teeth, but the global right wing has wasted no time in upping the ante.

  • Chip and pepper on rye

    Sometimes, good news comes from truly surprising places.

  • It’s the Uniter 30!

    It’s the final Uniter issue of the calendar year, which means this issue is dedicated to the results of our annual Uniter 30 readers’ poll.

  • Max’s gifts

    One of the great joys of working at The Uniter is that I’m constantly learning about Winnipeg.

  • Shame of thrones

    On Tuesday, Nov. 15, Premier Heather Stefanson delivered the throne speech for Manitoba’s ruling PC government.

  • Living in the stone age

    This week’s cover feature, by comments editor Paul Carruthers, looks at Winnipeg’s overdose and drug-toxicity crisis. 

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