
  • A sunburn now can cause damage later

    When you think skin cancer, you should think of the ways you can protect yourself; one of the best ways is by wearing sunscreen. It is recommended that you wear an SPF of 30 or higher daily – not just when going to the beach.

  • Stitching without the bitching

    It’s an afternoon in early June and Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA) on Main Street is packed with winter attire – unseasonable even for this year’s cold and rainy spring.

  • The fashion forward never forget…

    Spring and summer fashion this year brings an eclectic mix of old and new when it comes to sunglasses. From the bright, vibrant colours to the more classic muted styles, this season’s trends offer something for your own individual tastes.

  • Protecting your skin from the sun

    As we get closer to summer, the importance of wearing sunscreen is drilled into our heads. So why all the fuss?

  • Fashion Streeter

    Can you carry my drink, I have everything else, I can tie my tie all by myself.  -The National
  • Fashion Streeter

    Fashions fade and style is eternal, you need to find what works for you.
  • Evacuation plans for furry friends

    When making a checklist for a flood, you’re checking for the necessities. Excessive amounts of non-perishable food items and flashlights are littered across the house – but what about stuff for your pet?

  • Fashion Streeter

    I like plain things that I can dress up in my own way.
  • Fashion Streeter

    I like to wear whatever is comfy.
  • The hunt for Winnipeg’s best veggie burger

    Once a bland alternative to North America’s fast-food favourite, the veggie burger has become a well-loved meal in its own right.

  • Fashion Streeter

    “I just wear whatever is clean”
  • Fashion Streeter

    I’m really inspired by European fashion.
  • Fashion Streeter

    I am inspired by urban and hip hop clothing.
  • Fashion Streeter

    “I look at old grannies on the bus for inspiration.”
  • The voice of a community

    For over a decade, Outwords magazine has been the go-to resource for Winnipeg’s queer community. Sipping coffee in a cozy Wolseley coffee shop, current editor Rachel Morgan described the periodical’s eclectic journey to present day.

  • You’ve got questions

    Ladies and gentlemen, straight from the mouth of Miss Lonelyhearts: “Don’t wait for someone to choose you! Choose who you want and go after them.” Sure that’s insightful advice, but what gives this Winnipeg Sun columnist license to dish out advice? The answer to that question is more than just degrees and licenses, but life experience and attentive listening.

  • Diners in the ‘Peg

    While chain restaurants can be nice because you know what you’re going to get every time you step into one, there’s no beating the unique atmosphere of a Winnipeg diner. While some new restaurants tend to flicker in and out of existence, there are diners in the ‘Peg that have been around for 50 years.

  • Fashion Streeter

    I see things on other people and try to make them work for myself.
  • Are you dry and flaky?

    Does your skin feel tight after coming in contact with water? Are your hands white from dryness? Well, you’re not the only one dealing with dry skin. Most Winnipeggers have had to deal with it at some point.

  • Fashion Streeter

    Happy birthday to you.

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