
  • A room of one’s own

    Winnipeg is known across Canada as being an ideal place for artists to hone their practice.

  • City Roots

    When I was 12, my best friend’s dad died suddenly. One minute, he was this gentle, funny and active man, and the next, he was gone. 

  • Winnipeg pride and its many creative sides

    Winnipeg’s art and design community produces a lot of work about Winnipeg and Manitoba, and in the last few months, the pervasiveness of city pride has led to some thorny situations regarding intellectual property ownership. 

  • M(étis)anitoba 150

    The first two months of the new decade have seen a slew of initiatives branded with the Manitoba 150 logo. 

  • Creating art in churches

    Churches form a significant part of the arts venues available in Winnipeg, which may come as a surprise to some. 

  • The true craic of St. Patrick’s Day

    Decorations, parades and even beer will soon be green, as Winnipeggers celebrate St. Patrick’s Day on March 17.

  • One last look at Alootook

    For its second art exhibit of the year, Gallery 1C03 hosts Carleton University’s (CU) Walking Both Sides of an Invisible Border.

  • Singles mingling with singles

    In the age of dating apps like Tinder and Bumble, an offline dating service may seem like an antiquated concept, but singles like Karen O’Reilly say internet dating lacks the facetime many folks feel they need to make a connection.

  • Arts briefs

    Garland Party! // Transcendent // Craftivism at MAWA // Anthony OKS album release // Sounds of Curtains (now destroyed) // First Fridays - Women, Art & Identity 

  • A conversation with Shoog McDaniel

    Photographic artist and fat liberation activist Shoog McDaniel will give a talk at the West End Cultural Centre (WECC) on March 10 as part of the Uniter Speaker Series. The talk will be hosted by comedian and local television personality Issa Kixen. 

  • A queer, colourful animal pad

    Karen Sharma is an organizer with QPOC Winnipeg who does the important work of creating safe spaces for 2SQTBIPOC.

  • We still have some growing to do

    In this week’s issue of The Uniter, comments editor Haley Pauls examines the ongoing cultural conversation about “callout culture.” 

  • Callouts are the symptom, not the problem

    It’s 2020, and certain bloggers and cultural commentators have become obsessed with the question of whether “callout culture” has gone too far. 

  • New virus, old racism

    One year ago, I sat on the streets of Hunan, China, eating barbeque rabbit and drinking Tsingtao beer with friends. I had no idea that I was one hour away from the city of Wuhan: a place that would become the centre of the virus outbreak COVID-19 (coronavirus) in December 2019.

  • Proudly bipolar

    You may have plenty of images in your head already after reading that headline. When you think about bipolar disorder, what first comes to mind? Let me guess: probably someone with two personalities, right?

  • Feeding diaspora

    Food is a powerful storyteller, so rich and multi-sensory that the mere image of it brings potent memories and associations. Many diasporic artists work with food iconography and names, because it is an accessible way to communicate cultural identity, lineage, home and double-meanings.

  • ‘Reconciliation & its Discontents’

    On Friday, Feb. 28, the University of Winnipeg (U of W) will host “Reconciliation & its Discontents,” a panel discussion on the state of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples in Canada. This event, held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in room 3C01, is part of the Department of Political Science Speaker Series.

  • Election mudslinging

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) is denying anonymous allegations that its current executive covered up embezzlement by a former colleague who was removed from office. With the allegations coming just days before University of Winnipeg (U of W) students go to the polls for the 2020 campus election, it’s indicative of a messy campaign season.

  • Fast Pitch hits home run

    For charitable organizations that need to pitch themselves to potential donors, The Winnipeg Foundation's Fast Pitch event provides valuable training.

  • Winnipeg for All

    Feb. 25 marked the one-year anniversary of the introduction of private security guards using metal detectors and performing bag checks at the Millennium Library.

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