
  • Homophobia in sports persists

    There is little doubt that sports culture has always been a place of exclusion, dominated by a narrow-minded thought process that serves only to marginalize and put down those who do not fit within the notion of what it means to be an athlete.

  • Chief Peguis extension creates more problems

    Everyone knows the City of Winnipeg is falling behind on infrastructure maintenance - the money isn’t flowing fast enough for the city to catch up.

  • ‘Hi! Hi! Extra!’

    My grandmother, Joan Madden, is an 82-year-old woman who lived through the Second World War. When the war started, my grandmother noticed many different things happening. Men, many of whom she had known since her childhood, were being drafted and then vanishing overseas.

  • Revolutionary cooperativism 101

    Capitalism is a tough economy.

  • To mo or not to mo?

    It’s that time of year again.

  • Palestine under attack

    By the time this piece is printed, there is no telling how many more Palestinian civilians will have been added to the death toll, how many more will be hospitalized, and how many more will have been left homeless.

  • Abusive men get off scot-free

    Lately a disturbing trend in the popular media has come to my attention.

  • Backyard chicken initiative gaining ground

    Lately, I have been feeling like a chicken secret agent.

  • Lest we forget

    The Americans call it Veterans Day.

  • Growing income inequality: why you should care

    In the 30 years after the Second World War, the middle class in North America expanded and prospered to a historically unprecedented extent, as more people gained a good education, the manufacturing sector offered plentiful, high-paying jobs, and there existed an implicit social contract that employers and employees would share fairly in the fruits of their collective efforts.

  • Kapyong Barracks a sign of government negligence

    The vacant Kapyong Barracks site at the intersection of Grant Avenue and Kenaston Boulevard has been a source of civic disdain for years.

  • Why Devon Clunis’s faith matters - and why it doesn’t

    As a Canadian political observer, I’ve become fascinated by the bizarre relationship many Canadian secularists have with faith and public life.

  • More than just ‘pests’

    The amount of inconsistency in opinion on various species of common wildlife never ceases to amaze.

  • Wesmen name a piece of history

    In recent months, there has been a discussion about renaming the University of Winnipeg Wesmen sports teams.

  • Print isn’t done, but the jig is up

    If one were following the recent discussion of the future of Winnipeg media over the past weeks, one would be well served to take a step back, given the reactionary assessments of the two recent, unsurprising spates of layoffs in this city’s print media sector.

  • The enlightened sexist

    You like to think you’re a conscientious dude.

  • Manitoba still lacking solid environmental plan

    Once again, the Manitoba government has put out another document in its feeble attempt to promote a real, solid, economically powerful vision of sustainable development for this province.

  • Environment or economy a difficult trade-off

    On Oct. 1, I was extremely privileged to have former CIBC chief economist Jeff Rubin, and academic, broadcaster and superstar environmentalist David Suzuki in the CKUW studio.

  • Free trade with China on the table

    Splashed across the foreign/political news sections in our papers over the past few months has been the possible free trade agreement (FTA) with China.

  • Stay alert against media fear-mongering

    It is no secret that publications such as The Sun tabloid or television programs such as Fox News have a right-wing bias.

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