
  • A diehard Bomber fan’s problem with Winnipeg’s love of the Jets

    It is human nature to despise losing. Losing a job, a game, a fight, even losing a cellphone, is something humans are not programmed to like, or even tolerate.

  • Empathy is cute, or whatever

    I don’t think there are a whole lot of people out there who disagree with the concept of charity – helping out your fellow human is a basic part of being a good or at least an empathetic person.

  • Sexism isn’t funny

    What does violence against women look like? Many people on campus may be asking this question in light of recent news exposing the disgusting Frosh Week chants at St. Mary’s University and the University of British Columbia. Does a song, or a joke, or a slogan on a t-shirt constitute violence? In short, the answer is “yes”.

  • Go do things!

    With the opportune timing of the first month back, I write this for everyone: the first years, the second years, and yes, those in the 17th year of their three-year B.A.

  • Your future is calling!

    In Twisted Sister’s famous music video for “We’re Not Gonna Take It”, Mark Metcalf demandingly asks his son “What do you want to do with your life?”

  • Winnipeg’s inner city needs more solidarity, not charity

    Growing up in suburban North Kildonan, any time my family drove into downtown Winnipeg my parents immediately locked the car doors.

  • A matter of opinion: opinions don’t matter

    It is often easy to wonder whether things were better before the advent of social media. We didn’t really need to know what anybody thought about every subject. We could stick to the things we had in common, exchange a few pleasantries and remain blissfully ignorant about the rest.

  • Suggestions for Unseasoned Sailors

    Here you stand, on that threshold of uncertainty, prepared to disembark on an arduous and enlightening adventure. Before you set sail, consider the following: As you wander off course, which you will, do not lament the cost of your degree, for its true value is determined only by you.

  • Closing up shop

    After The Bay closed the supermarket in the basement of its downtown store, and Extra Foods shuttered its stores in the North End and West End locations, there is increased worry that Winnipeg’s downtown and inner city are turning into food deserts – areas with little to no access to fresh and affordable food.

  • Profiles, Pics, and Platitudes

    You find yourself on a beautiful beach at sunset. Off in the distance, the conjoined silhouettes of two figures holding hands wander in the surf as gulls swirl overhead. Gradually, you become aware of a distinct orange tint to everything you see; stranger still, lines and specks like those found in old-timey photographs pervade your vision.

  • Reduce crime

    In late February, while jogging across the Slaw Rebchuck bridge in his North End constituency, NDP MLA Kevin Chief was viciously attacked by four thugs.

  • Elect a new mayor and executive policy committee

    Shortly after the 2010 Winnipeg civic election, The Uniter published a few light-hearted interviews gauging the reaction of regular citizens on the street.

  • Install heated sidewalks

    In a city that’s seen some 160 centimetres of snow pile up on streets and sidewalks this winter, it’s little surprise Winnipeggers demand a certain level of service to keep those pathways more or less traversable.

  • Build a heated dome covering the city

    It’s a concept that’s been pitched for cities across the globe - from Manhattan to Houston to Siberia and Vermont.

  • Improve post-secondary education access and results

    As part of the recent federal budget, the Harper Conservatives are proposing a jobs training program that would transfer federal tax revenue to the provinces in order to funnel people, particularly young Canadians, into sectors experiencing significant job shortages.

  • UWSA increasingly out of touch with students

    As students prepare to vote in this week’s University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) general election, they should ask themselves whether the organization has given them much reason to participate.

  • Discipline and publish

    On Jan. 25, Hamilton resident Ken Stone greeted an unexpected pair of visitors at his door. It was the Canadian Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS) knocking.
    Unfortunately, it was not an isolated incident.

  • Why feminism needs International Women’s Day

    International Women’s Day has been celebrated annually in the West for over 100 years, since the days when women were first fighting for the right to vote.

  • Exiting the world stage?

    On Feb. 25, the CBC reported on an internal Defence Department report showing a potential drop in spending on foreign deployments - from $470 million now to just $5 million in 2014-2015.

  • Remembering “Citizen Nick”

    It’s Monday, March 4, several hours after longtime Winnipeg activist Nick Ternette, 68, died peacefully in the palliative care unit at St. Boniface General Hospital.

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