
  • The Column

    When I first got sober and worried about people’s reactions, a wise friend told me that other people’s responses were more about them than me. 

  • Middle of Nowhere

    Winnipeg is one great city that never was

  • Dry Wit

    Feeling the full effect

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Health and fitness: the angel and devil on your shoulder

  • Small Talk

    If a value falls in a forest and nobody hears it, does it exist?

  • Middle of Nowhere

    Riverside encounters show the importance of wild spaces

  • Dry Wit

    Take a break from drinking culture

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Hashtag movie alone

  • Small Talk

    On educating others

  • Middle of nowhere

    Let's not get attached to The Bay downtown

  • Dry Wit

    When normal is boring, and boring is awesome

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Splitting bills, splitting hairs

  • Small Talk

    We are not all sisters... and that's OK

  • Dry wit

    Enough dancing around the (other) "A" word

  • Middle of nowhere

    Kapyong can shatter assumptions

  • Well, that’s garbage

    Confessions of an eavesdropper: lessons from listening in


    Political correctness: the white man's burden

  • Dry Wit

    Hangovers VS. Happiness 

  • Middle of nowhere

    A hill by any other name

  • Well, That’s Garbage

    Made up makeup

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