
  • Divided Dissent

    Once upon a time, Winnipeg would’ve easily scored a top spot on the Top 10 Anarchist Hubs in North America listicle.

  • Popping ollies and pop-up shops

    A local designer is getting the opportunity to push the boundaries of urban art and fashion through a pop-up shop in Winnipeg’s downtown.

  • The PROFile

    Hope McIntyre has quite the resume: playwright, director, founding artistic director of Sarasvàti Productions and 10-year University of Winnipeg professor.

  • Meet your mayoral candidates: Robert-Falcon Ouellette

    Trivialized as a “fringe candidate” at the outset of the mayoral race, Robert-Falcon Ouellette is proving to be anything but an outsider when it comes to community.  

  • The people of the protest

    The community of tents, banners, and protesters located in Memorial Park have packed up, but its impression is still being felt in the grassroots. 

  • Le Burger Week Winnipeg

    This week, we talk to Sarah Gurevich, Daniel Gurevich, and Brett Howe of Charcoal Collaborative about Winnipeg's second annual Le Burger Week competition, taking place at over 30 local restaurants from September 1 to 7.

  • Art beyond the perimeter

    The metropolitan nature of the art establishment has always made it difficult for artists outside major cities to showcase their work.

  • Good food, great idea

    Since the closure of Extra Foods and Zellers last year, the downtown core has had a dearth of affordable supermarkets.

  • Policing through PR

    While accusations of racism were directed towards the Ferguson Police Department following the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MI, here at home questions of discrimination in the Winnipeg Police Service (WPS) still exist.

  • Resurrection of the RAAH

    The Royal Albert Arms Hotel (RAAH) has been locked up tight for almost a year, but the infamous hotel bar is nearly ready to reopen for business as usual, sharing the news with the world via Facebook in mid-August.

  • Putting the stigma of depression in the penalty box

    When two hockey buddies decided to create a documentary about depression and mental illness they never expected the response they would receive.

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