

    U of W prof says polluted lake is a lost cause


    Historical Halloween stop might require bringing extra underwear


    Winnipeg social agencies team up to survey city’s homeless


    New policies create inclusive spaces for transgender children

  • Speaking across borders

    Shawn Katz talks activism, social change, and going beyond our comfort zones

  • When the personal gets political

    Women's issues forum draws large crowd to U of W

  • Where in the world?

    Environmental issues largely absent from federal campaign

  • ‘Civil’ servants

    The Winnipeg Centre riding has more pressing issues than the candidates’ war of words

  • Sweet deal

    City could allow beehives on downtown rooftops

  • Taxi turmoil

    Winnipeg cabbies try to pump the brakes on Uber

  • Girl on fire

    Mrs. Universe rocks the vote in Winnipeg

  • Keep the local beat going

    On Sept 29, CBC/Radio-Canada held their Annual Public Meeting at the University of Winnipeg. Earlier in the day, CBC/Radio-Canada president Hubert Lacroix met with The Uniter and Le Réveil to share his thoughts about the CBC, the current state of journalism and the job market for young reporters.

  • Daycare dreams

    With more than 500 kids on the waitlist for the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) Day Care, more funding from the provincial government to add extra space can’t come soon enough, the student union says.

  • Real Talk

    When Daily Xtra journalist Graeme Coleman asked actor Tom Hardy about celebrity and sexuality during a TIFF press conference for the film Legend, he didn’t expect it to create a media firestorm. 

  • View from above

    From rooftops, urban explorers have quite a view. Caleb Ackerman-Stratton’s rooftop adventures started in primary school when he climbed Wolseley School.

  • Stopping sexual violence

    Having a downtown campus means University of Winnipeg students can’t shy away from the harsh realities of living in and around the city’s core. One such reality is sexual violence. 

  • Media and the message

    There have been a lot of conversations about media on campus this week. CBC/Radio-Canada held their Annual Public Meeting (APM) at the University of Winnipeg on Sept. 29, and senior staff fielded some tough questions from the floor about the future of the organization.

  • Smudging in the streets

    Walking down Selkirk Avenue, Winnipeg’s youth exploitation epidemic is hard to ignore. 

    Signs in the windows of community organizations plead: “Don’t buy sex from kids.” 

  • People are talking

    On the cover this week, we have a few communities starting conversations about an issue we should all be talking about by now. Racism was the core theme of the Mayor’s Summit for Racial Inclusion, but some people felt left out of that discussion, so they started their own Local Inclusion Summit. 

  • Seeking a swimming hole

    Swimmers of the West End are high and dry at the moment, but hopefully not for that much longer. 

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