
  • The PROFile - Shannon Vickers

    Assistant professor Shannon Vickers knows how to handle stage fright. The voice, text and dialect expert in the U of W’s theatre department coaches students on how to use their voices in the most effective way possible, both on and off the stage.

  • A Step in the Right Direction

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) has proposed that all students be required to take at least three credit hours focusing on Indigenous content in order to graduate. The recommendation, named the Indigenous Requirement, was crafted by the UWSA in conjunction with the University of Winnipeg’s Aboriginal Students’ Council and in consultation with the Indigenous Advisory Circle.

  • Creating a safer campus

    Students and staff at the University of Winnipeg took the first steps in creating a campus free of sexual violence last week.

  • Students’ Association shake up

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association’s executive structure will look a lot different come spring time.

  • Let’s take a breather

    Exam season is almost upon us, which means endless amounts of caffeine and bidding your friends farewell for a few weeks. Thankfully, we have those glorious seven days in February to catch up on that pile of homework.

  • UWSA considering mandatory indigenous heritage courses

    The University of Winnipeg and its student body are taking a stand against racism in the city.

  • Food for all

    Every week, nearly a thousand pounds of groceries pass through the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association food bank. Run in association with Winnipeg Harvest, the UWSA food bank has been providing food to both students and non-students for more than 15 years.

  • Imagine all the people (getting higher education for free)

    Well, the headline doesn’t quite fit the John Lennon song, but almost, right? President Barack Obama recently imagined something quite daring - at least in the American context. He proposed free community college for “everyone who’s willing to work for it.” He emphasized the proposal as being a cultural shift and an idea he would like to see spread all across America.

  • Question Period

    On Jan. 22, the Honourable Peter Bjornson, Minister of Education and Advanced Learning, addressed students and curious members of the public about the state of post-secondary education in Manitoba.

  • Kindling to the Fires of Creation

    “It’s every writer’s dream really - to be invited into a conversation all about writing!” Jennifer Still says over email.

  • The evolution of change

    University of Denver’s professor Alan Gilbert will take part in the University of Winnipeg department of history’s Bonnycastle Lecture Series next week.

  • Streeter

    Q: How do you feel about Nancy MacDonald’s Maclean’s article claiming that Winnipeg is the most racist city in Canada?

  • Fossil Free Future

    We are in the midst of a movement. Before you throw up your hands and cry, “Good Lord, not another one,” as images of Occupy Wall Street and Kony2012 flash through your mind, hear me out. A movement of fossil fuel divestment is gaining support on university campuses across Canada and the United States.

  • Self-love and smoothies

    This year marks the 30th anniversary of Eating Disorder Awareness Week. The event, which runs from Feb.1 to 7, was created by the National Eating Disorder Information Centre as a “public awareness campaign that educates, informs and engages Canadians to talk about eating disorders.”

  • The PROFile - Anna Stokke

    Professor Anna Stokke has been teaching at the University of Winnipeg for 12 years, and has loved every minute of it. When she’s not busy motivating students to succeed, she also works as a Math Education Advocate. Recently, this included pushing provincial government to change school curriculums to provide better math education to students. 

  • Weathering those winter wheelchair woes

    Anyone who has ever driven a car in wintery Winnipeg knows that even the most immaculately plowed streets can be treacherous territory for vehicles. But the problem of winter mobility is especially pervasive for Winnipeg’s wheelchair users, who face a unique challenge in conquering the city’s snowy sidewalks.

  • Unsafe walk

    A University of Winnipeg representative says members of the public looking to take advantage of the institution’s hospitality aren’t welcome on campus.

  • The Final Frontier

    Campus radio has been thriving in Winnipeg for decades, and in 2015 it’s still going strong.

  • Fill your spare with song

    For the busy student or educator puttering away on campus, music can be an escape.

  • Feminism and a Falafel - Mandy Fraser

    Brittany sits down with Mandy from Klinic to talk about rape culture in Winnipeg.

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