
  • Broaden your horizons

    The U of W exchange program offers new destinations and learning opportunities

  • The PROFile

    Dr. Marc Vachon

  • Better together

    UWSA part-time employees unionize

  • Making a splash

    JDC West annual charity event cools off in front of U of W

  • Bat Fans

    U of W Bat Lab crusading for nocturnal critters

  • Pure imagination

    Minnesota prof lectures about keeping fairy tales alive at U of W

  • The PROFile

    Dr. Rob Pryce

    Assistant professor, GUPTA Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health

  • Freezin for a reason

    Online exclusive photo gallery of JDC West students jumping into ice water for charity.

  • The PROFile

    The PROFile - Vesna Milosevic-Zdjelar

  • Speaking across borders

    Shawn Katz talks activism, social change, and going beyond our comfort zones

  • The PROFile

    The PROFile - Dr. W. Rory Dickson

    Assistant professor, Department of Religion and Culture

  • Trimbee talks

    U of W president presents first state of the university address

  • Becoming winter warriors

    International students learn to fight off the cold

  • Hardly handi

    People with disabilities launch complaint against Handi-Transit

  • Breaking ground

    New blood in the men’s Wesmen soccer ranks

  • From Crisis to Campus

    Student refugees share stories of how they found their way here

  • The PROFile

    The PROFile - Wab Kinew

  • Not-so-peaceful protest

    Security shuts down students’ anti-military protest

  • Our culture

    Travel company learns what U of W is all about

  • Muddle your memory

    Acclaimed oral historian praises imperfect imagination

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