
  • Learn how you can prevent sexual assault

    Upstander Education seminar aims to educate on assault prevention

  • Social justice fair aims to get students to volunteer

    Over 30 organizations will come together for the 11th annual Social Justice Fair.

  • Students put on Cultural Celebration Evening

    Enjoy a night of food and entertainment at the city’s cultural hub put together by fellow students.

  • PROFile - Dr. Catherine Taylor

    Professor and director of academic programs and administration in the faculty of education, professor of rhetoric and communications

  • MCMA Brings music to the U of W

    If a student wants somewhere to practice with their band, they can do it on campus at the University of Winnipeg (U of W). But if that same student wanted a formal music degree, they would have to look elsewhere.

  • Connecting with your campus

    UWSA event aims to welcome students back to school

  • Moving Images exhibit showcases U of W filmmakers

    Creators work being shown off at 1C03

  • PROFile – Matt Dyce

    Matt Dyce has been at the University of Winnipeg (U of W) for just over four years, and he says it’s still a little weird teaching prairie kids about the prairies, when he’s not from them himself.

  • Athletics for all

    Breaking down student athletic and rec fees

  • Muslim Students Association calls for respect

    Naima Arab, the coordinator of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), says Muslims are not bad people. She says that unlike how they have been portrayed in the media, Muslims are peaceful.

  • Wesmen acknowledge land and people

    Teams seeking to build relationships in the community

  • Get money for studying

    Grant workshop to help students focus on education

  • New Briefs

    Digitalization forum coming to Winnipeg // Province tells craft liquor facilities to look elsewhere // Winnipeg Promise Initiative // Samson pushes for polar bear support // Good Will says goodbye to LPH // Oral history workshop

  • Favourite U of W Prof

    1. Manish Pandey, department of economics
    2. Honourable mentions: Roewan Crowe, Jim Silver, Rick Skene

  • Favourite Local Activist

    1. Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie
    2. Tie: Andrew Vineberg / Michael Champagne

  • PROFile - Dr. Danny Blair

    With the best office on campus, Dr. Danny Blair has a great view of the year’s first snowfall. According to the geography professor, prairie winters will continue to grow shorter, warmer and wetter as climate change begins to affect our part of the world.

  • Don’t lose your history

    Students can now preserve the history of their grandparents and easily share them with friends.

  • News Briefs

    Fall and winter term dates // Panel discussion on deaths in custody // Equal voice // Theatre dept. opener // Food council on the horizon // Virtuosi for the holidays

  • PROFile – Marilou McPhedran

    The University of Winnipeg (U of W) will be seeing off one of its most influential professors at the end of this term as Marilou McPhedran takes on her new role with the Canada Senate.

  • Grad students’ job options outside academia

    Most Canadian scholars who finish a PhD won’t go on to work in academia, but maybe that’s not a bad thing. 

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