Surveillance and the Global War on Terror: Muslims and 21st-Century Racism

Dr. Saher Selod. Simmons University.

September 11th and the Global War on Terror triggered the implementation of a series of counterterrorism laws in the United States and globally. While Muslims are racially, ethnically and culturally unique, the justification for these laws and policies has relied on the racialization of Muslim men as a threat to national security and Muslim women as a threat to cultural norms. The racialization of Muslims through their hyper surveillance in the United States, the UK, India, and China as a result of the Global War on Terror is examined in this presentation, exemplifying 21st century racism.

Saher Selod is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Simmons University.  Her research centers on racialized surveillance of Muslims. Her first book Forever Suspect: Racialized Surveillance of Muslim Americans in the War on Terror (Rutgers University Press 2018) examines how Muslim men and Muslim women experience gendered forms of racialization through their hyper surveillance after 9/11. Her co-authored second book, A Global Racial Enemy: Muslims and Twenty-First Century Racism, examines how the Global War on Terror has justified the detention, imprisonment, and hyper surveillance of Muslims in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, and China revealing how the racialization of Muslims is a global project. She is a faculty affiliate for the Center for Security, Race and Rights at Rutgers University. She is currently on leave from Simmons and is the Director of Research at the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding.

Centre for Access to Information and Justice (CAIJ) Politics of Information Webinar Series