Volume 77, Number 25

Published May 9, 2023

  • The Uniter Speaker Series presents: A Conversation with Kisa MacIsaac

    As the old proverb says, it takes a village to raise a child. This was the main topic of discussion on March 30 at the West End Cultural Centre, which hosted the latest entry in the Uniter Speaker Series.

  • Skating with pride, for Pride

    Many queer people have, at some point or another, struggled to fit in. 2SLGBTQIA+ folks who encounter obstacles or discrimination in communities and subcultures often need to carve out spaces and events for themselves. That’s where Pride Skate comes in.

  • Riffs across the decades

    Metal is a genre that often indulges in excess, adopting a “bigger is better” approach to songwriting, instrumentation, number of musicians and technical showmanship. But Calgary sludge duo Mares of Thrace, who will play the Park Theatre on June 11, manage to do more with what might, on the surface, look like less. The intricate drumming of Casey Rogers pulse in tandem to the punishing guitar riffs and caustic vocals of Trez Lanz to create a sound that is distinctive and heavy as hell.

  • A night of legendary laughs and Shenanigans

    Lucille Ball, Joan Rivers and Carol Burnett will soon take the stage in Winnipeg – or at least their characters will.

  • Under the light of the Golden Boy’s behind

    “We sleep in the light of the Golden Boy’s ass,” the upcoming film Purple City states. 

    From dropping acid and gay hustling under yellow lights, to the mythological world of Greco-Roman lore, this new short film explores the hidden stories of the Golden Boy from the viewpoint of the filmmakers’ very own apartment across the street – where every night, they sleep in the golden glory of the statue’s illumination.