Volume 72, Number 4

Published September 28, 2017

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  • 43,001 nights at the movies

    The moviegoing experience has been a part of Winnipeg culture since the 19th century. More than just a leisure activity, how and where Winnipeggers see movies can be a barometer for gauging local cultural and economic trends.

  • Be our boss

    Who runs the news?

  • Whose House? Ashley’s House!

    After spending most of the last year out of town on tour, bassist Ashley Au is ready for some home time.

  • Halfway to somewhere

    As I walk the length of Centennial Hall, a burning sensation is forming in my bladder. A need to pee! I suppress this bodily function too often, but here I am saved! A gender-neutral washroom is midway down this hall, and, as I lock the stall door, I am thankful that this time I won’t be forced to choose between a binary that I’ve never been able to fit into.

  • Arts Briefs

    The art of songwriting // WOKE Comedy returns // Congrats to awards nominees // Flash Photo Fest // SC Mira EP release

  • Benefit show makes use of talent for revolution

    Social change occurs at the intersection of talent and ability. The upcoming Justice for Errol Benefit Show, a showcase of bands coming together to support prison abolition, exemplifies this.

  • Prophets of Rage - Self-titled

    If you’re tired of hearing the repetitive themes that are found within much of new music today and are interested in hearing songs with both a unique sound and point of view, then look no further than the debut album from Prophets of Rage.

  • Critipeg: Only the dead wear shoes to bed

    Hotel Room/Only the Dead Wear Shoes to Bed, a multimedia installation which took place in the basement of Forth, featured four videos, a large installation and a performance by artist and contemporary dancer Ming Hon.

  • New DIY space in West End

    There’s a new DIY community space opening up in Winnipeg’s West End near the University of Winnipeg.

  • Reduce waste and save on groceries

    Winnipeggers aren’t great at reusing their kitchen scraps.

  • News Briefs

    Generation Green // TEDx UWinnipeg // Westland Foundation contribution // IHOP // Jane Goodall // Bike Blowout 

  • Condo uptick in Winnipeg

    Within the mid 2010s, condo construction spiked in Winnipeg. Many different groups of consumers and different types of condos are behind this.

  • Breaking Ultimate world records

    On Sept. 12, Connor Lawrence and Shayne Pfeifer broke the Guinness World Record for the most behind-the-back flying disc catches in one minute. Their record was 34.

  • Provincial survey may not be representative

    The Province of Manitoba released a new healthcare poll, but an expert says it’s not representative, and some are concerned it constrains discussion.

  • PRofile: Alan Diduck

    Community engagement is a common theme that pops up throughout environmental studies and sciences professor Alan Diduck’s career.

  • Accessibility concerns with campus washrooms

    ​The University of Winnipeg has been adapting its campus to address the needs of gender non-conforming (GNC) individuals in the past few years. However, accessibility to gender-neutral washrooms is still an issue.

  • Cult of personality

    The political process is seemingly slipping away from policy and legislation and toward celebrity culture. 

  • Un-Supermarket

    A comic by Sari Habiluk