Food service conflict at the downtown Hydro building

When the downtown Manitoba Hydro building was under construction, word got around that they would not have any food service in the building, to encourage employees to spend their money downtown.

This seemed to be the case until mid-summer when Marcello’s Market and Deli appeared on the ground floor.

This raised a few eyebrows, mine included.

I called Hydro to ask what was up. Glenn Schneider, their public affairs manager, told me the no-food-service plan was still the intention.

Wait, what?

He explained that the space being occupied by Marcello’s was retail space, which I am to understand is completely different than having their own food service.

“I don’t see it as a conflict,” Schneider said.

He went on to say that the employees are encouraged to use the downtown walkways to patronize other businesses.

I realize that it’s a pain to walk 10 minutes there and back to get lunch when you only have an hour (or less!) to break, but this is an obvious contradiction.

Further, some Hydro employees are under the impression there is a restaurant discount for them downtown. Servers from Boston Pizza in City Place reported getting inquiries from Hydro employees, but to their knowledge, no discount was available. Denis Paulhus, former general manager of Boston Pizza confirmed that there is no such discount.

The Downtown BIZ was giving coupons to employees to welcome Hydro workers downtown, but that seems to be the extent of the promotions.

The rumour mill seems to have been working here, and I thank Glenn for affirming Hydro’s position. I’m still perplexed at the contradiction, but as long as the Hydro employees aren’t going hungry, I’m happy.