The spontaneous saga of rock and roll

With a contradictory approach to rock and roll, Transistor 66 label mates The LONELY VULCANS and THOSE GUYS FROM LAST NIGHT each put in enthralling performances at The Royal Albert Arms.

Finally releasing their debut album after four years of being a group, The Lonely Vulcans are a slow simmer of a project. The mostly instrumental songs on Night Date lag along with beautiful guitar harmonies and slow-dance rhythms forcing the Friday night crowd to head bob into euphoria. The music sways into a romantic linger sending you eerie chills of nostalgia, eyelids closing upon epic waves of sound.

The day before was a completely different affair. Holding up the torch of blink-and-you’ll-miss-us spontaneity, Those Guys From Last Night ripped through a ferocious set of newly minted songs that are already available on VHS. Getting together just a few short weeks ago when Matt L. Snakes came from Vancouver and Shane Grass came from Regina to all crash in Joe Warkentin’s apartment, they have already written a full set of recklessly bold rock and roll. Playing on the floor of the Albert they took the club-you-on-the-back-of-the-head approach by violently slamming through surprisingly well-written songs.

Despite the different styles of these two groups, it’s amazing to have the opportunity to be enthralled by the local music scene. Congratulations to both groups on the success of your musical visions.