Winnipeg Transit tries convenience on for size

Winnipeg Transit just introduced the new Bustxt program, adding one more reason to the list of why you should have a cell phone.

Transit has slowly been improving, but it’s still behind the more advanced systems like in Western Europe where you can pay for your bus fare by phone.

Winnipeg Transit continues to roll out the digital displays at stops, but it will be a while before they’re done. This texting schedule will help alleviate the wait. The stops nearest my home are set up so the digital displays are on the corners where I get off the bus, but not where I get on. I find this a bit frustrating because I want to play with the new toys!

Bustxt is a great supplement to these digital displays, and much superior to the mud-caked and vandalized schedules they’ve been using for years.

The Free Press tested the system and found it only took 15 seconds for a response saying when the next bus was to come.

I love that. One of the great stresses in my life is getting to work - an hour bus ride with one or two transfers - and this should help me relax.

I hate wondering if I just missed a bus because it decided to come early. I have a small panic whenever I round the corner to the stop, expecting to see the my bus just pulling away. Especially since one of the transfers on my way to work is a bus that only comes every 45 minutes. If one of my connections is late, I’m screwed.

Well, no more wondering! Thank you Transit, and thank you cell phones.