Hankering for handkerchiefs

In keeping with the latest issue of The Uniter, themed with a focus on the environment, I have a few words to say about handkerchiefs. Granted, the topic isn’t nearly as sexy as street cars in Winnipeg or winter biking, but it’s one of those little things.

First, the confession: I use a hanky.

From personal experience, I can say that some people think it’s quaint and old-fashioned. Others think it’s disgusting. Some people wonder if it’s monogrammed with my initials (I wish!). And some people just laugh - probably out of a combination of all those things. In short, these days it’s just plain unexpected to carry a hanky.

Now apart from the environmental implications involved in hanky use, saving all those boxes of disposable tissues , there may be very little appeal in using a handkerchief. It often appears as old-fashioned or disease ridden, neither of which are very chic.

I have no response to these allegations. I must concede there may, in fact, be very little appeal to using a hanky.

But I would stress that it only appears old-fashioned and disease ridden. In reality, it isn’t.

Fashions come and go so quickly that it’d be nice to have something stable in the wardrobe - yes, I realize I don’t help my “style” argument by using antiquated references to furniture.

As for being disease ridden, I’d say as long as you have more than a couple hankies during “disease” season, you’ll be just fine. Just make sure to swap out the dirty one for a clean one. That’s what laundry is for. After all, wiping your nose with a tissue leaves your hands covered in germs anyway. Why not reuse the thing you’re wiping with? I can’t imagine your hands would be any more germ-y using a hanky than a Kleenex.

And even if I haven’t convinced you - here, I am trying my hardest to avoid descending into the ornery old-man phrasing and another thing! - there’s no reason to make fun of those of us that do decide to use a hanky. It’s not like we’re trying to spread the plague. Maybe we’re just trying to cultivate some of that old-world charm, maybe save a couple trees along the way. Where’s the harm?

And one last thing, I promise I won’t offer anyone hard candies from my pocket after handling my handkerchief… anymore. I realize now that was wrong.