Plans comfirmed to move DRC

A few issues back I wrote an article about the inaccessibility of the DRC (Disability Resource Centre) and the letter writing campaign the Disability Student Advisory Group was undertaking to get their centre moved to a larger and more convenient location on campus.

Today, The Uniter staff had lunch with President and Vice-Chancellor Lloyd Axworthy, which presented the perfect opportunity to ask, “What is going on with the Disability Resource Centre?”

According to Axworthy, administration met with staff and students of the DRC last week and solidified plans to permanently relocate the centre to the location of the current bookstore in Centennial Hall. In addition, students of the DRC, as well as staff and administration have formed a committee to help design the new centre.

But it sounds like the students of the DRC could be in for a bit of a wait. The university is currently waiting for the demolition license for the first floor of the old bus depot (currently being referred to as “The AnX) so that they can begin building the space for the new bookstore. The relocation of the bookstore to The AnX was originally supposed to take place in March or April of 2010, but now it likely won’t happen until May or June.

Axworthy said that he hopes that the DRC will be settled in their new location by Fall of 2010, but it is entirely contingent on the move of the bookstore. Axworthy also spoke of plans to turn the first floor of Centennial – the area near student central and the current bookstore – into a central hub of student services.

Anyway, I think a “Congratulations!” is in order for all the students of the Disability Student Advisory Group for demanding that your situation is no longer overlooked! And hopefully that demolition licence comes through soon so the DRC has a nice, new, spacious and accessible centre to come home to in the fall.