Sno Week? Where?

So this week was the UWSA’s annual ‘welcome to a new term’ Sno Week, and it seems to have passed by without much of a blip in the university’s radar. As far as I’ve noticed, Sno Week consisted mainly of a rarely-staffed table in the Atrium with some buttons and pamphlets on it. At least, that’s the contact I’ve had with this event.

Now to be fair, maybe this says more about my barely-there investigative skills as a reporter- the UWSA’s my beat, so I probably should have looked into it. Then again, as an average, busy student, I shouldn’t have to. Maybe this speaks more to the UWSA’s utter lack of advertising and hype over this event: if they’re not excited about it, why should we be? And then AGAIN, maybe it just generally speaks to the current climate of student apathy at this school blah blah blah…

After being informed by a colleague about an afternoon Sno Week event involving alcohol and Wii Snowboarding in the Bulman, in which the turnout was so low that they had excess alcohol to dump, I stopped by the lonely Sno Week table to pick up a schedule.

The first thought that came to mind was, do most students even know where the Bulman is? (FYI: it’s in the bowels of the school, below the Mezzanine, as basement as you can get, home of the Petrified Sole bookstore, UWSA offices and several student group offices.) That might be a place to start.

I’ve organized events. I know it’s rough in this current climate of student apath- nevermind, I’m so tired of that. Yes, it’s hard to get students excited about things, it’s brutal sometimes. But if the organizers seem like they don’t care, then there is no chance anyone else will.

And if we can’t get students excited about cheap booze and drunken Wii, I don’t know what the world’s coming to.

PS: Tomorrow’s Sno Week Events!*!*!*!

Annual United Way ball Hockey Challenge (doesn’t say when or where on my schedule though…)

Sno Wek Wrap-up Social: Bulman MPR, 8pm-2am