Travel Guide to Avoiding Arrest

Nothing spotlights the absurdity of the justice system like an examination of Canada - and the rest of the world’s - wackiest rules of law. It is also essential that one be aware of the laws of any given country one decides to visit, as violating them may get you in hot water. No one wants jail time for getting drunk with a cow. Consider the following:


In Etobicoke, a bylaw states that no more than 3.5 inches of water is allowed in a bathtub.

United Sates

In California, it is illegal to stop a child from jumping over a puddle, provided they are doing so in a playful manner.

Be aware that an elephant can be charged a fee if tied to a parking meter in the state of Florida.

If you find yourself at a wake in Massachusetts, be sure not to eat more than 3 sandwiches.


If you wish to get drunk, do not do so if you are in possession of a cow.


Don’t throw used gum on the sidewalk. All kidding aside, the idea of doing time in Thailand is sort of unfunny.


When in Queensland, do not ask an Aussie if their father was a criminal.

Be sure not to force a kangaroo to drink more than six beers, despite how badly you may want to.


Be careful not to flush the toilet after 10 pm.


In London, do not flag down a taxi if you are suffering from the plague.


If you find yourself DJ-ing in this South American hot spot, go heavy on the tango music, or else.


Before starting your car, you must first make sure that a small child is not hidden beneath it.