Yes we can make dance music

It was around this time last year that all the world gathered around their television sets, united in curiosity as to how many thousand votes Obama would win by. Then every band, from what I can tell, who used to be angry, or punk or whatever, went into their studios and recorded a dance album. Apparently when the democrats are in office people just wanna dance. It’s a fact. Turning (plow)snare drums into (pruning)dance hooks, punk is officially no longer in style.
We had a good run though, didn’t we? Post-punk hit the mainstream, Sleater-Kinney released two of their best albums, and even Gang of Four got back together and recorded an album. That album may have been a giant disappointment, but nonetheless, the Bush admin was a good time for punk. Especially if your band’s name was Green Day and you didn’t even play punk and just yelled “Fuck George Bush” in between songs. I’m not saying that punk is dead, I’m just saying that punk isn’t hip anymore. Indie culture has abandoned punk (again) and is looking for something to dance to. Whether it’s Yeah Yeah Yeahs or Gossip; it’s time to meet your new favorite band(s). Is this a bad thing? Probably not. True punk lovers have always despised mainstream attention, and generally don’t consider themselves indie anyway, so for them, it’s business as usual. For you indies, there’s a lot of good stuff for you to choose from. Especially in Canada. But the question is: will there be enough to last us the next eight years? Only time will tell.