Remembering the 00s

As we approach the end of ‘00s, I’m beginning to get a sense of the shape and colour of this century’s first decade.

The 90s, the decade of our generation’s childhood, is characterized in my mind by slacker movies, baggy pants, “Sandstorm” and liberal governments in Canada and around the world. In contrast, the 00s – the decade of my burgeoning consciousness – looks spookily like the 80s, with its militarism, conservatism, deregulation and disturbingly tight pants.

Listening to oldies stations and watching video clips from past decades offer plenty to shake your head at. Here are a few things from this decade that will make me (and my future offspring) cringe:

- Neo-grunge: I don’t consider it a coincidence that Nickelback’s Silver Side Up was released on Sept. 11, 2001.

- Stretchy yoga pants as daywear: They may be comfortable, but seriously, we can see everything.

- Recession: Every time a Republican government finishes two terms in the States they take us down into a recession. Let’s remember this.

- Vocoders: No longer the secret studio shame of talentless pop singers, this weapon of musical destruction has gained far too much acceptance.

There are some trends from the past nine years that will make me smile. The glacial movement on climate change seems to have finally reached a critical mass, such that (almost) every government at least acknowledges it’s happening. The rise of the Internet, a contentious issue for some, has at least freed me from the tyranny of my TV schedule. People seem to be waking up to the fact that criminalizing a natural plant with few negative effects creates only harm. And the tide seems to be turning on the runaway neo-conservatism that has gripped the world for too long.

Just like the 80s, I’m sure there will be plenty to be nostalgic about the 00s 10 years from now. But for now, I can’t wait to see what the 10s hold for us.

How do you think future generations will remember the 00s?