Registration for the Campus Commuter Challenge has begun

The article won’t be out until Thursday (September 24th), but the Campus Commuter Challenge began on the 21st so I figured I should put it out there on the world wide web so people can get registered in the meantime.

Here’s how it goes: You pledge to commute eco-friendly for the week of September 21st to the 25th and by doing so you’re automatically entering yourself in a draw (at no cost) for some ballin’ prizes. You’ll have to read the article to find out what they are, but trust me, it’s worth it.

Students can register at the Campus Commuter Challenge 2009 website.

I know you may be saying to yourself: I bike / walk / take transit / whatever everyday already so I’m not gonna bother registering. Fool, didn’t you read? Prizes! Plus the various campuses around Manitoba all had pretty abysmal registration numbers. We can all improve.

So maybe you already walk, cycle, carpool or take transit on the daily and are happy doing so. If so, keep up the good work. But maybe you don’t. Maybe you drive yourself to school and back all the time and now see the moral shame in your choices; or maybe you’re just looking for a change. If you think the above listed transportation options are mundane and cliche, this blog entry is for you. I’ve taken it upon myself to compile a list of the most badass alternative transportation options that I could think of for you to peruse, imagine, but ultimately never try because they’re illogical and totally self-destructive.


Go to Canadian Tire, buy one of those 10x9ft big blue tarps and connect your feet to something involving wheels (i.e. rollerblades, a skateboard, whatever). You may not end up where you intended on going, but you’ll have a helluva time doing it. Actually, maybe let’s limit tarping to empty parking lots. It’s pretty darn dangerous otherwise, come to think of it.


You know those really long skateboards? I’ve never rode one and have no idea if they’re safe or even reasonable, but I know they go pretty damn fast and look really cool.

Hang Gliding

This probably breaks every Canadian law passed to ensure safe aviation/air space, and there’s at least a 90% chance you’ll crash into a building at high altitudes to a sudden/epic death, but imagine seeing a guy score a smooth hang gliding landing on campus. But wait, where could you park it?

Paramotor (aka The Fan)

Remember the guy who interrupted the heavyweight title fight between Riddick Bowe and Evander Holyfield in 1993 and was subsequently pummeled by the ringside boxing fans who came to watch the fight, and not a guy attached to a motor and gigantic parachute? I’m sure a university campus audience would be much more accepting of this sort of thing. ... Again, dangerous. Don’t do it.

The actual article on the Campus Commuter Challenge comes out Thursday, September 24th, but registration for the challenge has begun already. So go register.