Thomas Pashko

Managing editor  

  • Dispatches from self-quarantine

    What a weird time to be alive.

  • Update

    The Uniter is adding the following disclaimer to the March 5, 2020 article “Callouts are the symptom, not the problem:”

  • We still have some growing to do

    In this week’s issue of The Uniter, comments editor Haley Pauls examines the ongoing cultural conversation about “callout culture.” 

  • Election mudslinging

    The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) is denying anonymous allegations that its current executive covered up embezzlement by a former colleague who was removed from office. With the allegations coming just days before University of Winnipeg (U of W) students go to the polls for the 2020 campus election, it’s indicative of a messy campaign season.

  • A note on the editorial process

    Around 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 25, The Uniter received a news tip regarding allegations against current and former members of the UWSA executive, which were published anonymously online. With the help of the entire staff of our city and campus section (city editor Lisa Mizan, city reporter Alex Neufeldt and campus reporter Callum Goulet-Kilgour), we managed to put together as comprehensive an article as we could on the shortest possible notice.

  • More than skin deep

    It’s cold out there, folks. As I write this, there is an extreme cold warning across all of southern Manitoba, including Winnipeg.

  • CRITIPEG: Uncut Gems

    The pre-release hype for Uncut Gems achieved a fever pitch rivalled only by the frustration over its tiny theatrical rollout. 

  • Learning from history

    “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” That’s one of those many quotes that’s always attributed to Mark Twain, even though there’s no evidence he ever actually said it.

  • A wrong turn

    I don’t know when public attitudes in Winnipeg steered so far into hostile austerity, but it’s a problem that seems to be getting worse rather than better.

  • CRITIPEG: What did Jack do?

    It wasn’t too long ago that it seemed like we may never see a new David Lynch film.

  • Addressing barriers

    We have a disability-heavy issue of The Uniter this week

  • The dildo decade

    So, why put a dildo on the cover of the first Uniter issue of the decade? It’s a good question.

  • Uniter 30 outtakes

    Sorting through the many hundreds of votes for the Uniter 30 is a long and occasionally mind-numbing process.

  • Favourite Local Achiever Over 60

    1.    Fred Penner
    2.    Elder Albert McLeod 
    3.    Fred Dugdale

  • You voted, we listened

    This week’s issue of The Uniter is our special themed issue for the Uniter 30! 

  • PROFile: Alyson Brickey

    Alyson Brickey teaches English courses on a wide variety of topics at the University of Winnipeg (U of W). But even as someone with many diverse areas of expertise in the field, it was never a given that she would end up as a professor.

  • Coffee brews and tap dance shoes

    Readers might recognize cohabitating partners Jordan Cayer and Ella Steele from the Winnipeg stage.

  • It’s beginning to look a lot like 1916

    In April of 2018, I wrote a historical article for The Uniter examining the prohibition era in Winnipeg. From 1916 to 1921, the sale and consumption of alcohol was prohibited in Manitoba. Similar legislation was passed throughout Canada and the United States in the 1910s and ’20s, motivated by fears and misconceptions about alcoholism.

  • Riddle me this

    In preparing for this week’s cover feature about development in downtown Winnipeg, we in the editorial staff of The Uniter found ourselves asking, “What is downtown?” 

  • Perogies are a portal

    For folks growing up in diasporic communities, food can be as important as language.

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