Matt Preprost

  • More music this week

    More music this week


    More music this week

  • Resuscitating print media in 2010

    Newspapers are shutting down, journalists are joining the unemployment line as bloggers take over the world, and the print media industry as we once knew it is dead.


    After coming out big and bold with their debut album, About A Girl, in 2008, Montreal quartet Winter Gloves have taken a couple steps backwards with their sophomore effort.

  • A universal language

    Gather a group of strangers from different corners of the world with vastly different life experiences and ask them to talk about their lives.

  • Winnipeg Blogs

    In these changing times it’s hard to know exactly the role blogs play and the power they wield, but they surely do help combat the apathy that so often plagues society. Below, we analyze the power of blogs in Winnipeg and beyond, and list some of our favourites.

  • Overqualified

    Dear Mr. Comeau,
    Thank you for sending me a copy of your book, Overqualified, for review. I am happy to send you this reply and say that it has found a permanent home in my collection of books that have changed the way I look at and think about the world around me. Not many books are in that collection, you know – like seven or eight – so you better cherish that.

  • Colleges to offer degrees

    Colleges in Manitoba might soon be able to offer four-year baccalaureate degree programs thanks to proposed amendments introduced to the Colleges Act and the College universitaire de Saint Boniface Act.

  • The tuition thaw

    Full-time University of Winnipeg students can expect to pay either five per cent or $150 more in tuition next year as the university prepares to increase tuition fees on the recommendations of Dr. Ben Levin.

  • Painting the city

    It’s not easy being Jett Hansell these days. The 20-year-old is currently facing 75 charges of mischief under $5,000 for her role in a rash of graffiti incidents in Osborne Village last year and has a nightly curfew of 10 p.m.

  • Slipping profits

    A new report from Statistics Canada may appear to spell trouble for non-profit theatre groups, but Manitoba remains relatively stable.

  • Winning streak

    Chelsea Lavallee is no stranger to winning awards for the passion she displays in promoting her Métis culture.

  • The reluctant piano man

    Armenian-Canadian pianist Serouj Kradjian is a lot like most people who play the piano – he didn’t like it at first.

  • Making Waves - Never Come Out Alive

    With a name like Making Waves, this rock trio makes it clear they want to make a splash in the local music scene and have the ripple effect carry them on to larger success.

  • DrumTalk brings smart percussion discussion

    Question: How can you tell when a drummer’s at the door? Answer: He doesn’t know when to come in.

  • Love is all around

    What do Boyz II Men, Jann Arden and Bruce Springsteen have in common? They’re all part of local musician Don Amero’s list of all-time favourite love songs.

  • Five local artists to watch in 2009

    If you’re anything like the music critics at The Uniter, you love the fact that it’s impossible to walk two feet downtown without seeing a gig poster. If your problem isn’t deciding whether or not to go to a show, but rather, deciding which show to go to, here are five local acts you should make a priority to check out.

  • Arts grants for dummies

    If you’re a musician or painter in Manitoba, there’s no shortage of grants available for you. The world of arts grants is a complicated one though, and it can often be difficult to navigate.

  • Christopher Lake is the new Walden Pond

    Less than a week from today, local musician Ingrid Gatin will be secluded in a cabin in the forests of northern Saskatchewan, alone with an accordion and a looping pedal, penning songs for her upcoming solo album.

  • Get juiced

    Writers, grab your pens—Juice, the University of Winnipeg’s creative writing journal, is still looking for submissions for its ninth issue.

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