Fabian Suárez-Amaya

Volunteer Staff  

  • Random Policy Idea: Why not more taxis?

    A few weeks ago, I read an article in the Winnipeg Free Press on the regulatory practices of the Taxicab Board (TCB). In “Cabbies, customers deserve better”, Graham Lane, a former chairman of the Public Utilities Board, argued that the TCB was unnecessarily limiting the number of taxi licenses granted, beholden to the interests of taxi company owners.

  • Fort Mac firsthand

    Everybody needs oil, everybody knows it. This is why people working on pipelines and rigs are making so much money. It's so valuable, and people are willing to pay whatever they have to pay to get it done.

  • The first days of legal marijuana in the United States

    Colorado’s first official day of legal marijuana commerce has passed with great aplomb.

  • Riding your bike in the winter?

    I strode into the office barely a minute early, panting with exertion. Frost matted every follicle in my beard, forming a tangled, icy layer over my face.

  • Russell Brand and Mike Duffy: A brief comparison

    Russell Brand, a notable British comedian with equally notable eyebrows, made Internet headlines last week with his interview on BBC’s Newsnight. To the chagrin of interviewer Jeremy Paxton, Brand spent much of the interview lambasting the current political and economic systems, calling for dramatic change, and endorsing revolution. His criticisms were legitimate: “[Political systems] shouldn’t destroy the planet! Shouldn’t create massive economic disparity! Shouldn’t ignore the needs of the people!”

  • Throne Speech? More like Groan Speech

    To those who watched this year’s Speech from the Throne on October 16 without being paid to do so, I commend you. To those who did not, I envy your formidable foresight. The throne speech is a curious relic, wherein the ruling party crafts a message to be delivered by the Queen’s representative, in our case the Governor General, on its behalf.

  • Putting Redman in a seven-foot deep hole

    New York’s Cey Adams, founding Creative Director of Def Jam Records, spoke in the University of Winnipeg’s Riddell cafeteria on Thursday, October 3, 2013 as part of the UWSA's Freestyle Festival. I enjoyed an evening of colourful tales of rappers from the 1980s and early 1990s, artists whom Adams had worked or rubbed shoulders with during his tenure at Def Jam.

  • There and back again

    The Harvest Moon Festival came about from years of projects and planning in Southwestern Manitoba, which eventually culminated in the festival and the formation of the Harvest Moon Society. Its goal is to “organize educational, recreational, and community projects that seek to revitalize rural communities and livelihoods.”

  • Go do things!

    With the opportune timing of the first month back, I write this for everyone: the first years, the second years, and yes, those in the 17th year of their three-year B.A.

  • Fine dining in the Exchange

    It had been some time since I last visited an upscale restaurant. Unsure of etiquette or dress code, I scrambled to find the proper balance of casual and formal, with the unfortunate consequence of dressing like Han Solo.