The traditional family

  • Lucas Redekop, Personal Support Worker

    I always think of man and wife. I think families can take many different forms. I think healthy families are more important than any type of label.

  • Sylvie LaFleche, Theatre student and daycare worker

    You know, the mother at home, the father working. It doesn’t necessarily need to be the woman that stays at home… No one has to stay at home - there are resources available. However, a man can stay at home as well.

  • Anita Lohre, Downtown resident

    Family values, having a mom, dad, relatives, cousins, a dog. Yeah, family is very important.

  • Abunuasi Luamira, English student at Red River and homecare worker

    “Une famille avec papa, maman, des grandparents et les enfants. Je pense que c’est important. Pour exemple, les Asiatiques ont garder leurs traditions et ils (leurs enfants) ont évolués bien dans la société. Les traditions sont importantes.” [A family with dad, mom, grandparents and kids. I think it’s important. For example, Asians have kept their traditions and their children grow up well. Traditions are important.]

  • Larry Mousseau, Portage la Prairie resident

    It’s what they believe in—religion I guess. It’s important… but not terribly. More important I guess is …education.

  • Nicholas Frechette, Biochemistry student

    I think it would be values, opinions, protocol - like how you’re supposed to act in certain situations. It’s the idea that children should be disciplined. I think it’s very important because I think growing up with strict guidelines helps you treat others with a certain level of respect. It shows you what’s wrong and what’s right.

Published in Volume 63, Number 21 of The Uniter (February 26, 2009)

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