Re: Failing UWSA needs its own Obama

In response to Failing UWSA needs its own Obama, published February, 5, 2009.

As an elected director of the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association, I would like to respond to Breanna Walls’ article that flat out bashed everyone involved and everything done by the UWSA (Feb. 5 edition of The Uniter). The author’s opinions of the UWSA in the article are extremely negative and misleading. And the fact of the matter is, they are just that, opinions. I wanted to take the opportunity to set the facts straight.

I do acknowledge that the UWSA office is segregated by being in a lower level, but where do you want it!? The UWSA has been trying to figure out areas to re-locate to but that is a very complex topic.

As a director, I have sat at tables, attended (the many) events, talked to students, and I know that the executives have as well because I have seen them. There have also been dozens of classroom presentations, and various campaigns besides the tuition freeze, such as stopping water privatization and raising awareness for a U-pass, which will hopefully be implemented one day.

I do not understand what the author is tired of or complaining about considering I have not seen her attend any of our board of directors meetings or sub-committee meetings. If Breanna wants to hold the UWSA accountable, that is great as UWSA should be. It is intended to be transparent and we need more students who are passionate like Walls to be involved. And if she thinks she can provide a new perspective for the UWSA, then it is more than welcome. I encourage students to check out the websites, call or e-mail the executives or directors, and come down and visit the UWSA offices. Personally, I would love to hear more from students, and it would help me immensely to do a better job. I truly wish Walls and other students like her would ask questions, give suggestions, feedback, etc. and put their energy towards improving and working with the UWSA instead of attacking it.

Stephanie Chartrand
Environmental ethics director

– Stephanie Chartrand

Published in Volume 63, Number 20 of The Uniter (February 12, 2009)