Come together

This isn’t just a special issue because we put a snazzy name on the cover and picked a theme. And not to pick favourites, but this is a pretty special issue. 

Every week, The Uniter team – staff and volunteers – pour a tonne of their thoughts, words, photos and drawings into this project. And then somehow, magically, on Thursday there’s a real live paper: Ta-da! And sometimes we celebrate for a second because we made a thing but most often we’re already working on making the next one. 

But this week, oh readers, this week is the culmination of a much larger pile of work involving a much wider cast of characters. We’re putting out a paper but also putting on a show, the Uniter Fiver showcase, featuring the five new local bands that you’ve chosen as your favourites. We’ve paired up journalists with musicians, and editors with venue managers, and brought in all kinds of other people working in the arts to bust their butts and make this thing happen. Music and journalism, together for an issue. 

In this town, we alternately celebrate and disparage these creative fields. How many writers, artists and musicians have been told that their chosen path will mean so much more work for so little reward? Maybe don’t answer that one just yet. Let’s not get too melancholy, because we do have so many people here who still choose to do these things, and do their best to create cool work for the rest of us to enjoy. 

If, like us, you’ve been working hard and need to celebrate the fruits (or are still awaiting the fruits) of your labours, take a moment to appreciate that sometimes it all comes together. That’s what we’ll be doing, for one night at least, and you’re personally invited to join us. Come out and appreciate these fine new local bands tonight (Thursday, Jan. 14) at The Good Will at 8 p.m. It’s going to be special. 

- Anastasia Chipelski, Managing Editor

Published in Volume 70, Number 15 of The Uniter (January 14, 2016)